Tuesday 2 April 2013

Product Review: Prakriti Herbals Products

This review has been long over due. Initially I put it off because I wanted to try out the products for a while but then it just became simple procrastination. Sorry Neeta, I know this was promised a long time back.

I have straight hair so, like a lot of other people with straight hair I adore curly hair and perm my hair every chance I get. I know what you're saying, it'll cause damage to my hair and I'll lose it all. Yeah, I know but I don't mind being bald, I think it looks cool on me. :D

Anyway, so we've established that I love and want curly hair and will do anything for it. But the perming does cause dry frizzy hair and after a while my permed hair becomes unmanageable. I also start to have a lot of hair fall. Some years back I remember using some L'Oreal product but for the life of me I can't remember what it was now. So, I've been on a hunt for a while to find something that would work for my hair. Enter Neeta.

I met Neeta at a Social Media Workshop. When I complained about the trauma my hair was causing to my life she recommended her herbal conditioner and hair oil along with recipes to work magic on my hair at home. Since I was already trying out other products I figured I had nothing to lose.

I started out with just two of her products - the Herbal Hair-oil and the Jojoba Alerovera Conditioner. But over time I've tried her other products one at a time and now I use quite a few. Here are the products I currently use and my thoughts on them...

Herbal Hair-oil - I've used a lot of oils and I hate most of them for their greasy feel. But this one doesn't feel heavy and is required in very small amounts. Works like a charm on my hair. The oil has Amla, Brahmi, Bhringraj, Triphala, Fenugreek & Hibiscus leaves to help control dandruff and hairfall, and nourish the hair, preventing split ends and dryness. I think it works!

Jojoba Aloevera Conditioner - This product took some learning. I was so used to using large amounts of conditioner that it took a while to get use to using small amounts. The conditioner makes my hair smooth, soft and NOT heavy and flat like before. And it takes so little that it lasts really long and is easy to carry on travels.

Aleovera Cucumber Gel - This gel is great for a lot of purposes. Works well on burns as it cools the skin (I've tried it), is great as a moisturiser and night pack and works well on hair too. I use it the most in Neeta's Papaya Hairmask, you should try it... I love the feel of my hair afterwards.

Strawberry Aloevera Arnica Face Wash - Most facewashes don't work on my skin, I break out into pimples soon after using them. But this facewash from Prakriti Herbals worked for me and I love it. It smells lovely and I love to go to sleep with my face smelling of it. Leaves me feel all nice and refreshed. Again brownie points for only needing a drop at each use, which means a small bottle in my handbag goes a long way and its always handy!

Lemon Handwash - This is one of the most recent products I've tried and I like it. Leaves my hands smelling all lemony and clean. Bought it three months ago and finally it ran out only last week. It's time to take a trip to the Prakriti Herbals store near home I think.

Hibiscus Shampoo - Choosing a shampoo took me a while, I tried all the shampoos Neeta had to offer before I settled for the Hibicus one which suited my hair best. Like all her other products this one also doesn't need to be used in huge amounts and yet it lathers well and cleans the hair sweaky-clean too. Brownie points for customer service and patience is helping me find my perfect shampoo.

I know I already use a lot of products but I'm looking forward to trying out new products from Neeta's stable. They work as she says they would (as of now) and I'm happy with the results I've got. Her products aren't all that expensive either, especially when you take into consideration the small quantities required.

If you're looking for herbal products to use at home, you should check out Prakriti Herbals products. They are now available on Flipkart.com too. That said don't take my praise to heart, I can only vouch for the products I use and how they work for me; please try them out for yourselves and do tell me what you thought of them and what products you're using. I've love to hear of other great and not too expensive products I can use.

You should follow Neeta's blog if you want more home remedies and herbals recipes.

1 comment:

  1. WOW!! What a lovely surprise!Thanks Fatema Freya Rehman for the very cute straight from the heart review of our hair care products and skincare products- am so happy that our natural products helped you overcome your frizzy hair woes and made them super soft !Mission accomplished :) :)
    Am a big fan of yours after attending your inspiring workshop so guess we have a two way admiration society going out there ...Cheers to that& thanks Freya for posting this lovely review on your blog.More details of our products available at https://www.facebook.com/prakritiherbals
