Monday 24 June 2013

My Mom's, Harry Potter and Jackfruit

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="505" caption="Photo Credit: The Snitch Harry Potter Movie Galleries"][/caption]
Both my mothers are voracious readers and it's most likely where Che and I get our appetite for the printed word. This weekend Che and I went to Kovilpatti to catch up family. I love visiting Mom, Dad and Mamai. Mom is so like my own, it's almost like hanging out with my own, Mamai like my Nanisaheb hovers around constantly looking for ways to get you to eat something and Dad, well, I don't have my own any more so I treasure every moment I get with him.

Anyway away from the senti and back to Mom and reading. This weekend I got an insight into Mom's way of reading. (I devour books, like I'm in a rush and there's not enough time to read it all; which there truly isn't.) Mom and I got talking as usual about books and she was saying she had yet to finish Oath of Vayuputras. I expressed surprise, after all I started after her and have finished a few books after that too. So she told me a moral from Harry Potter that I just hadn't seen.

"The Dementors suck happiness out of the person and the only way to combat them is the Patronus charm. But the Patronus charm needs an extremely happy thought to be powerful. Moral - It takes happiness to beat unhappiness. When your unhappy and down, think of happy memories, think of things that make you happy and you draw in happiness. You beat all the unhappiness in your life."

I hadn't seen this in all my readings of Harry Potter, such a simple lesson to be always happy. I had no words, I felt such love for this woman, how did I get so lucky to have her for a Mom. I love you Mom :)

In other news, I didn't get much reading and blogging done last week :( But I did spend a lot of time with family. :)

Caught up with Mom, Bro and Nanisaheb after a long time. It had been months since I had done an overnighter. Mom and I chatted about all & sun-dry and the mundane after a long time. Get went out visiting family friends, got wet in the rain and got all messing peeling open and preparing jackfruit. It was fun three days!

The plants have fared well during my absence, the gel seems to be working well and I'm looking forward to more planting after the monsoon. The dogs are doing great at Windward Kennels, I miss them but I've learned that I should enjoy our separations too. But I've been learning a few tricks and the dogs are in for some fun surprises when they get back :)

The book highlight of this week was getting my first ever delivery from Amazon. :D

Now onto my weekly round-up that I just caught up with. Here's some stuff you should read from the various universes I live in.

From My Culinary Universe...

Swati shares the recipe of these awesome looking Mango Coconut Cupcakes that are just so tempting to bite into. I'm hoping I can get my hands on some mangoes before they disappear for this year.

My friend Priya who lives on the outskirts of the beautiful Greater Rann of Kutch has started a food blof and she's been sharing some really cool recipes. Here's one - Spiced Baby Watermelons.

From My Book Universe...

Chris's review of Cards On the Table by Agatha Christie reminded me of a to-do I had. I've wanted to read all Christie's books for a while now. Time to start, so I think I'll aim to read and review one every month.

Oh yes Good Reads does need a locate my book feature :D Mella Hopper depicts it well in her cartoon.

From My Crafting Universe...

Stephanie crocheted these lovely potholders/dishcloths that even have loops to hang them up. I should try and make these sometime.

For all my friends who either have newborns or are expecting. Karuna's made this lovely 1st Year Baby Book for her daughter Anika, that you should make too :)

From My Doggie Universe...

From what Jennifer says it seems the ticks situation is bad in Ohio too. There have been quite a few tick fever cases I've heard of lately.

Angel has this lovely Grain-free Homemade Carrot and Banana Dog Cookie Recipe that I'd like to make for my dogs but how the hell do I get my hands on coconut flour. Any idea where I can get it?

My friend Sindhoor finished the course on Canine Theriogeniology that I kindof let go in the middle (I know, bad girl me). Here's her take on to spay or not to spay....

From My Online World...

Shankar's put up a great list of Advanced Techniques for Search on Google you should bookmark for future use.

I am always on tenter hooks when working for clients on Facebook. It's so easy to slip and have a face-palm moment. Here's the goof-up on the Walmart page from last week and 10 tips Infographic from Shortstack to make more meaningful status messages once you've avoided the goof-up. :)

Whitney had a Pin Party on her blog this weekend that sounds like so much fun. I'm looking forward to participating in the next one.

Phew, that was long and took a while, almost the whole day but the upside is I caught up with most of my reading in Feedly. Now I just need to do it a little everyday. Will let you know how that works out.

What have you been upto last week?


  1. So true! Spending time with family is much better than blogging :). All of our family is 8 hours away. I look forward to seeing your pins in the link-up next week! Thanks for stopping by!!

  2. Thanks for mentioning my blog Freya :)

  3. You're most welcome Priya. I was super thrilled to find you in the blogger-space. Glad you're here too :)

  4. Looking forward to the Pin-party too Whitney :)

  5. Hey Vidya, thanks for stopping by.

    Oh yes, both my Mom's are really cool. :) I can't thank god enough for getting this lucky.

    Thanks for the link to the coconut flour post. It's definitely something I can try out at home.

    Do you really need to ask which ones when it comes to A. Christie? All :D

    Yes, first delivery from Amazon, India. And delivered within a day too!

  6. I had never thought about the deeper meanings in Harry Potter in the way your mom describes - though I have only seen the movies, so that's my excuse! My older daughter has read every one of the books so I asked her about this and she did pick up about happiness.

    Your mom sounds like a great person.

  7. Mom's are amazing aren't they... :)

    Your daughter seems gifted that way too Yvonne, in my five readings of Harry Potter, I didn't pick up on happiness :D

  8. [...] is Freya, my friend’s ear. I greatly admire her earrings. I am hoping to get around to getting the [...]
