Sunday 16 June 2013

Three Books and a Reservoir

This has been a good week, it's been a long time since I took a break and five days of putting my feet up and not having a to-do list was just awesome.

Che and I decided to take an impromptu holiday and headed out to a friend's farm near Hassan on Monday. I'd been to the farm a few years back, but I hadn't ever seen it at the start of the monsoon. It's green!
The farm is on the banks of the Hemavati Reservoir so there is no shortage of water but the monsoon still transforms the land. Everything becomes an unbelievable lush green and you can't tear your eyes away.

Hassan has lovely weather, cool through the year but right now it was nippy and refreshing at the same time. The cold winds bring in a drizzle ever so often and showers now and then. It's almost like a constant drizzle with muted sunshine sometimes and rain otherwise. It was heavenly weather and I spent most of my time outside with a book and umbrella.
The breathtaking views and drizzly weather made for the perfect setting to read, and read I did. Made a significant dent in my reading list; got three books read. Yippee :)

Sitting outside also meant I saw some interesting fauna. There were these beautiful cranes I saw that hung around the cows, pure white bodies with a golden ruff of feathers starting at the head and running down the back. Also saw this very colourful frog. Do you no their names? Is the frog poisonous?

Che and I took several walks down to the water but somehow I wasn't destined to reach the water. Every time I reached the 'Village Gate' it would start pelting rain and we had to make our way back trying to hide behind our umbrella as there is no cover available on the plains. The village folk say the arch in the middle of the reservoir plains is the gate to an old village that got submerged when the reservoir was created. But around the arch I found stone slabs with engravings that seemed to belong to a temple or place of worship. Wonder what had been here? What did the flourishing village look like before it was relocated?

Among other things... I was really worried about leaving my plants unattended for so long. The Guru Garden guys had recommended using water-soaked gel, so that's what I did. It worked like a charm, the plants were all alive and well, even though we were a day late to return. To make it more potent, I had added nutrients to the water the gel was soaked in; and there's been a definite spurt of growth that's very visible in the tomatoes and mint.

My fruits have increased in number and are getting bigger. :) I hope it's not too long a wait until my tomatoes are red and ready.

I've been trying to make blog reading a habit, well, for starters atleast follow my blogger friends blogs regularly. So here's some posts from friends this week that I enjoyed and think you might find interesting.

Farida has a way with words, here's short story by her that got me smiling. And all that said in 55 words; you should read Gift!

People teach us lessons in some of the most amazing ways. Vidya's insprirational story is featured this week on Indiblogeshwaris.

Bored of snacks? I get tired of one type of snack quickly and love variety. Seems in the US, I'd have options - Jennifer is a part of a program that gives you goodie boxes for $7. Wonder when we'll get something like this in India?

People without pets have no clue about how much fun we have even when we are pulling our hair out. Leah's had an episode of that this week with her cat Rocco. :D

The week starts again tomorrow with lots of work on the to-do list but there is some travel and fun in it too. I've got my fingers crossed for it to turn out as well as it seems. What are you looking forward to next week?
Have a great week ahead!


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