Sunday 9 June 2013

Swatch, Wood, Fruits and a Flood

The last couple of weeks have been quite busy, and I haven't been able to blog much. Just getting the book reviews posted was a challenge. But things kind of eased off a bit recently and Che and I have been doing a lot of stuff.

Last Sunday I went to the Microsoft Office 365 Education Indiblogger Meet. This was my second Indiblogger event. I'd felt like such a stranger at my first one, it was nice to look forward to faces this time. A shout out to my friends - Vidya Sury who is such a wonderful bubbly person, Farida an awe-inspiring woman who writes 'Chapters From My Life', Priya who writes a Home Living in Style blog, and last but not the least Siddharth, who is so little and yet so much... :) It was nice catching up with you guys. Special thanks to Vidya for tipping me off about the event and offering me an incentive to attend.

The event itself was so-so - the seating arrangement was non-existent, and so was the food. We had been promised lunch but we only got starters, which also disappeared even before the serving plates were put down. The Microsoft guys spoke for ages, and after a while a lot of people drifted away. I did have fun but more because of the people not the event. Highlight was that I won a Swatch watch in the twitter #Cloudblogathon contest.

This week Che also had a shoot at the KYNKYNY Furniture factory and I tagged along as assistant. Watching the precision they work the wood with was an awesome experience. I love the work and Vivek's obsession with perfection. I hope to own a lot of KYNKYNY furniture someday :)

The highlight of my week was seeing fruits on my tomato and chilli plants. This is the first time I'm growing vegetables and herbs and I was so looking forward to this.

Other than all this, just when I thought I had caught up with my reading list and brought it under control, I got flooded with new books. Che gifted me with the Feast of Roses & Shadow Princess, book 2 & 3 of the Taj Mahal series by Indu Sundaresan for our 3rd anniversary. Vidya gave me three books at the Indiblogger event - The Bankster by Ravi Subramanian, Scammed: Confessions of a Confused Accountant by Anonymous, The Devotion of Suspect X by Keigo Higashino. Got Once Upon a Prince by Rachel Hauck from Booksneeze. And there's two more from authors - Rising of a Dead Moon by Paul Haston and Jacob Hills by Ismita Tandon Dhanker.

I've got a packed week ahead with books and a holiday. :) Che and I are taking a few days off to visit a friends farm. I'm looking forward to some time away from the city, without lists and to-do's. I so need some quiet time. Have you ever felt like you'll burst if you don't get away for a bit?


  1. How fab to hear about those sequels! Sometimes we just want a book to never end!

    It was so great meeting you, too! That pic of your ear is just lovely. Although I really ought to pull it, seeing as you spelt my name as Suri when it should be Sury. :D

    Yep, I do feel like I'll burst if I don't get away for a bit - but my getaway is restricted to my terrace. I saw a solid rainbow yesterday and it lifted my spirits like crazy.

    Enjoy your break. Your plants look gorgeous.

    Hugs! When you are done reading those, I got another set for you!

  2. Have you started reading The Twentieth Wife? How is it?

    Pic of my ear? On your blog? I have a lot of blog reading to catch up with. :(

    What's in a name, a rose with any other name would smell just as sweet :P Sorry, I had checked but must have missed it. Corrected now :)

    I definitely want more, maybe I'll swing by your house next time I visit North Bangalore. But right now I'm getting buried. You got any news books from BlogAdda. I applied but am yet to receive. Do they send you a confirmation email saying you'll get the book?

  3. He he. Yes, I just began reading both books. Like one of my neighbors would say, I am "liking them"

    I haven't applied for any of BlogAdda's books recently - but yes, they do send you an email to say the book is on its way. And each time they write to you and ask for your address etc. before dispatching.

    Do drop by any time. Ah, the perks of working from home!

    Pic of your ear on the blog - soon! :D

