We celebrated an second wedding anniversary in May and realizing that we’ve stuck it out for two years together hit me hard and set in motion a lot of realisations.
We are both freelancers. What that means is we have a lot of time for life but we don’t necessarily always have the money. This is usually a good place to be until of course one of the credit card bills arrive to shatter the peace for a bit. The first few years of being a freelancer are hard. You have to learn that less is more and most often the hard way, you have to close old chapters and debts and it takes time to sink-in that you really have a good life.
The last couple of years have been those years for us. Che took up photography full time just days before we got married. (It still remember the looks I got from family when I told them I was marrying a jobless man :D) And we’re still working our way to that peaceful place.
Our anniversary set me off on thinking for days on end about all the difficulties we’ve faced in the last two years. I was in this confused place where I wasn’t sure if I was happy or sad – a mixed bag of emotions. Days crept by with my lists of things I wish I could change just getting longer and longer. The more time I spent the more stuff that had gone wrong surfaced.
One day returning after a visit with Mom, I sat-up and noticed that I didn’t have a do-not-want-to-change list. So I started making it. It did get long, not maybe as long at the want-to-change list but I had some great items on it.
My top item was having Chenthil in my life. I’d like to change a lot of things but in every change I want him around. (I want others too but this post isn’t about that :P)
Since I titled this post ‘Second Chances’ I’m taking mine - Happy Anniversary, Valetine’s, Birthday, etc. today and everyday baby. Everyday with you is a celebration; Love you. Corny, but true. xxx
What’s on your do-not-want-to-change list?