Sunday, 21 May 2006

The inside is larger than the outside

Well its been a long time since this blog got updated. Have been busy and stuff. Thats no excure to not blog but here's my excuse to blog :).
I have just finished with the Cronicles of Narnia and I enjoyed the books. They reminded me of Enid Blyton and my childhood. The last book is great. Actually can't say which one of the seven is my favourite because I enjoyed all of them. I lived through all the adventures and got to know the characters as if I knew them in person.
Something to think about - lately alot of adults are reading childrens books like Harry Potter, Narnia etc. Is it that these adults are trying to relive their childhood or is there another explanation?
Anyway what I wanted to write about here was not about this but something I came across in the last book of the series.
It said "The farther up and the farther in you go,the bigger everything gets. The inside is larger than the outside."
It kinda rings true doesn't it... The more in-detail you go the more there is to see and explore.
With people if you start getting to know them there is no end. With places and countries, you will never be able to see it completely. The more inwards you go the more there will be to explore. The same holds true for ideas and thoughts. There is not end, somehow you can just go on and on.
And the overview or the outside is just a small part of the inside. As you go further it just keeps getting bigger.
Like my confusion on why normally when going into details is called micro but in photography zooming into details will be a macro shot. Maybe coz as you go into detail the picture gets bigger. So the farther in you go the bigger everything gets...
Hmmm... worth a thought eh...

Tuesday, 9 May 2006

A woman's bike

The 30th April Edition of 'The Week' magazine had a small article on me for riding. Here it is...

Fatima—Freya to friends—started riding a bike in 2002. The 25-year-old computer science graduate, now a trainer at a call centre in Bangalore, fell in love with a friend’s 1994 model Yamaha RX 100 and bought it. In 2004, she did a bike trip from Bangalore to the Rann of Kutch on the RX. The ride was to celebrate the anniversary of 60KPH, a Mumbai-based riding club. “I had only done small trips before that. This was a 4,082-km ride,” she recalls.
Although anxious, her family was supportive. “As a kid, I rode my brother’s bicycle. Girlie stuff was not for me. I like the power of bikes,” she says.
A few months ago, Freya bought a Bullet Machismo 350, with gears on the left side. “Bullet gives a different thrill,” she says. “I never felt I was at risk on the Kutch trip. People in our country are so welcoming. Of course, I had to make bookings wherever possible and had to stick to the golden rule: never ride alone at night.”
Freya hopes she would be able to do a bike ride to the Himalayas on the Machismo. “I have always loved travelling. If you like bikes, then it is an excellent combination,” she says.

The Link to the article online.