Monday 21 March 2016

April’s All About Android Apps | #AtoZchallenge

A to Z Theme Reveal

That’s a pretty good title eh? It came to me as I sat watching the dogs finish eating this morning, mulling over how to write this post.

This is my third year of doing the A to Z Challenge, but it’s my first official themed attempt and my first time of being a minion too. That was a lot of info, so let me explain.

The A to Z Challenge is a blogging challenge that runs through the month of April [except Sundays, hey we need a holiday :D ], each day is a new letter in the alphabet starting with A, all the way to Z.

The post can be about anything, only condition is that the title should start or the topic should start with that day’s letter. You could choose a theme, or just wing it, all goes. But if you are doing a theme, a theme reveal is a good idea - and that’s what this post is!

Minion - haven’t talked about that have I. Minions are the ones who work behind the scenes to keep the challenge going through the month. All the little tasks and to-do’s that make the cogs move and wheels turn. Since this is my third, I figured a peek behind the scenes and a helping hand would be nice.

Now on to my theme… This year in the A to Z. I’m going to review, talk and share about all the apps I use on my Android phone.

Android Apps I use

I’ve been using an android phone for about 5 years now and over the years I’ve accumulated apps that I just can’t live without, some I’m still learning to use, some are new and others I’ve long stopped using [these I’m not going to talk about ;) ].

I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now. It was last years plan, but things changed and I landed up doing a Lesson’s from Dogs theme. This year, I’m all prepped and even have my titles chalked out, so Android App’s in April it is!

Alright, the challenge starts April 1st, make sure you join me; I’ll tell you which apps I love and you can tell me what apps you use and how you use them.

Until then, go check out the A to Z Challenge and join in, it’s not too late. You can also check out the other themes A to Z participants are doing on the A to Z Reveal page.


  1. Tasha Duncan-Drake21 March 2016 at 12:12

    Now this is definitely not a theme I have come across before. I have to admit to being phoneless at the moment, but I am of the Android crowd. Good luck with April, I hope you have fun.
    Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

  2. Jeez Thanks Bhawna *blushes* , that title came from the universe I think :D

  3. Thanks Tasha, I'm glad to hear the theme has promise. Especially since I put it off for a year. :D
    I'm interested to hear what you think of the apps I like and which ones you use... See you through April :)

  4. I'm not too much of an app person, but I'll stay tuned for this, Freya. Have a great April challenge! I'm sitting this one out.

  5. Sounds like fun! I look forward to your posts ~Lori~

    Lori @ &

  6. What phone do you use Corinne? I know that feeling about apps, sometimes I wish for those simple days of the Nokia 3310, actually why stop there, the days without mobiles were so peaceful and quiet :)
    You'll be missed this year, :(

  7. Thanks for stopping by Lori :)
    All the best for your A to Z...

  8. That is indeed an awesome title. I am thoroughly clueless about apps and techie stuff, mostly my phone drives me crazy. Maybe I can get an education on apps this A-Z.

    Good luck with the challenge.

  9. Great theme choice! Apps can be such life savers, I'm interested to know which you choose :)

  10. Good luck with the challenge - and the 'minioning'! I am an IOS sort of guy, but I look forward to peeping over the fence!

  11. It's amazing to think there are 26 apps just for Android that would start with every letter of the alphabet! Do you have them all picked out already? Gail at Making Life An Art

  12. You are a rockstar. Thank you for this. I will be back soon :D

  13. Sounds like a wonderful theme. Over the years, I've had many apps come and go. It will be fun to see if any of ours match up.

  14. Thanks Nilanjana :) I hope you find the app suggestions I'm going to make helpful.

  15. Thanks for stopping by Debbie. :) I'd love to know if you use the same apps or which ones you use to make life easier. See you in April. ;)

  16. There's a lot of common apps between IOS and Android these days. Do let me know if you use the ones I do. All the best to you too. :)

  17. I'm still trying to fit in a couple more Gail. :D Finding 26 apps was easy, fitting them into the alphabet, well, that's a different deal. ;)

  18. Oh yes, I'd like to compare too, and I'd love to find new apps that you use and I don't. Look forward to seeing you in April Jeffrey. :)

  19. Stephenyhoughtlin29 March 2016 at 19:23

    Help? will Android apps work on my I Phone (Apple)

  20. Stephen not all android apps work on iPhone but most android apps have iOS versions you can look for in iTunes.
