Tuesday, 27 June 2006

Free Falling...

It been sometime, sometime since I did many things - updated this blog, went on a ride, wrote a write-up... Its time now, yeah its time…

It’s been almost two years since my 'Journey of Firsts', and these two years have seen me through quite a bit. Some of the highest highs and the lowest lows, some brilliant discoveries and some nonsensical mistakes. Days when I couldn't stop smiling and days when I couldn't find a smile. But through it all I have still been learning, and these two years have been a learning experience, life's just that isn't it :)

Its time now to slip away, to just let go. It may just sound mad, stupid, risky, dumb, foolish, imbecilic, moronic, insane... to some, and some may just sum it up with 'she's lost it', but then not too many people can, can they?

So I’m leaving here, not for good but for sometime. Am leaving to wander, to roam, to learn, to meet people, to follow my heart. Sounds too cryptic?

Well, you will know with time, watch out for the updates here and you'll know what I meant. In the mean time, you will notice some change on this blog and I hope you and your good wishes will be with me along the way. :)

So off I go...

I'm free, free falling,
I wanna free fall out into nothin',
Gonna leave this world for awhile.
And I'm free, free falling.
Yeah I'm free, free falling.

Tuesday, 13 June 2006

Investments for Life

Last week my Mom's cousin and family had come from Bombay for a holiday. One morning while having breakfast we were discussing investments. As always my family wanted to check on my financial status, so there came the question - What investments have you made?
I thought and the said - 'Three, I have invested in myself, for my grandchildren and for my retirement.'
'And what are the investments?'
'Hmmm, well,' I said, 'I invest in myself, spend on all I want to do and all that makes me happy, a fulfilled life, so I may not have all that everyone has but I have done all I wanted to do and seen all I wanted to see. I have had an enriching life and learnt a lot from it. My second investment is my grandchildren. I will be their favourite grandma, their role model and above all else, I will never have to repeat a story and will never run out of them. I will pass from this life and yet not have told them all of my life. And my third investment is my retirement, when I sit back then to review my life, I will be satisfied, very satisfied, and ready to then leave at anytime.
I would have lived each day to the fullest, my life completely.'
Well... the conversation then moved on to the usual convincing of you have to make monetary investments etc, but I'm not gonna bore you with that.