Monday, 8 June 2015

Pawsible Weekly: A Little Happiness

One of the biggest lesson’s I have learned from the dogs is to find happiness in small silly things. To let go and just go with the flow. Don’t let it get to you, what it is, depends on how you see it.

There are so many things the dogs do that completely flips my mind. Like waking up day after day to a puddle of pee, or Buddha digging holes in my garden just after I’ve loosened and levelled the soil.

On bad days the dogs have it from me when things like this happen. But on good days (and there are more of those each day) I can see though it and smile.

One of those rare days when Senti managed to hold the bladder through the night. And then was in such a hurry to pee that he aimed at his spot though Buddha's legs.

On good days I can understand that Senti couldn’t hold his bladder for another hour. He needs to pee around 3 or 4 in the morning and a lot of times I’m too tired to wake up for him. Picking up pee first thing in the morning doesn’t see so bad those days. I find myself smiling indulgently.

Buddha in his pit, while Elu contemplates joining in.

That indulgence also shows up these days when I catch Buddha covered in soil inside a pit of his making. Or when I find Cuckoo and William comfortably settled is soil they have just disturbed to bring out it’s coolness.

A favourite spot of the dogs. First they dig, then they settle.

They may not be the best thing for the garden, but the garden is the best thing for them. The same applies to me too I think. They are the best thing that has happened to me and on bad days, it’s what I have to remind myself the most. It’s also one of those things that helps me though bad days.

It’s difficult but I’m trying to chuck the pains and the bad days, the issues and troubles, and remember that it’s the small joys that bring happiness. Live in the moment, move on quickly in the bad ones and linger and enjoy the good ones.

That seems to be one of the secrets to happiness.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Did FatCow and SiteLock Arm-Twist Us Into Paying them 15K?

I’m not sure if FatCow arm-twisted us and forced us into an upsell or was it a genuine problem. Should I pay SiteLock Rs.15,000/- every year to keep my server clean or are there other options? Let me explain...

I’ve been away from the blog for 10 days now. It started with me being unable to write one day. I figured I’d get the post done the day after and then all would be back on schedule.

But there were other plans underfoot. The next day when I tried opening the blog dashboard I was told, it was down and that I should contact FatCow to find out why.

Initially i thought it was an outage that would resolve itself in a few hours but 5 hours later the situation was still the same.

Time for Che’s entry. Che check other blogs of friends that shared server space with my blog and they were all down. A FatCow ticket was raised.

The FatCow guys came back saying there were malicious files on the server and until it was all cleaned up they would not take anything back online.

Rewind 6 months. My blog went down 6months ago and FatCow said there was malicious code. They recommended SiteLock as a service to monitor and remove malicious code. I didn’t have much of a choice or rather I didn’t know enough about wordpress coding so we hired SiteLock at around Rs.5000/- a year.

Now 6 months later all blogs on the server went down and FatCow said my site is fine because of SiteLock but the other two sites have malware. They said the easiest way to get all sites back online was to get SiteLock subscription for the other two sites too.

Again, not knowing what else to do, we paid an additional Rs.10,000/- (approx.) and got SiteLock on the job for the other sites as well. Within 24 hours all blogs were back online.

In the situation it felt like we were against the wall, our arms twisted by a giant like FatCow - ‘Pay us or else…’. We were fighting what felt like a losing battle, not knowing if there was another way out. We gave in.

Did we do the right thing? Is it worth paying SiteLock Rs.15,000/- every year? (Along with server space, domain, etc. this makes blogging expensive).

What can I do about this? How can I avoid this in future?


P.S. – Thanks to all this my 30 Day Blogging Challenge got left incomplete again. :( .