Saturday, 1 January 2005

A Life Long List...

Thought would start a log of the qualities, things, attributes, situations and all - that I like about my man. Will add to it everytime I realise that I like this certain something about him with details on the situation and what happened. Maybe someday to tell him but more than that so I can look at it everytime I question why I love him.
Am starting this on the 24 Feb. 2005 but back-dating it, hoping to hide it in the mass of other stuff on my blog.


We were messaging to and fro about him finding his camera and passion for photography. And I messaged saying that now he is gonna be a paparazzi too. To this I get a prompt reply "Ahem ahem I'd say no comments. Lets see maybe I'l go abroad and work for the sun ;)" The reply had me smiling for a couple of minutes. Somehow it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. May not seem like much to anyone else but I enjoy these verbal battles. It only went on for some part of the night but I hope this war rages forever.


Was just having dinner and feeling miserable as I was hungry and had to settle for some ant infested maggi noodles when my phone starts off with a Panjabi Balle Balle. Had been missing that tune so much lately. Was one of the loveliest surprises I've got lately. After my mom's valentine gift its the next best. It felt so nice just to hear his voice when I least expected it.


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