Monday, 20 March 2006


Ahh... Finally saw Zinda on Thursday. I had liked the concept while watching the rushes and had wanted to watch it.
It’s a good movie, not something to watch repeatedly but a good first watch. At no point do you really get bored. No songs that have you going oh no, not another song. All largely built into the movie, it’s good. Sanjay Dutt's done a good job and so has John Abraham. The story keeps you guessing right to the end.
The movies about Sanjay Dutt being kept in solitary confinement for 14 years and then suddenly being release and give 4 days to find out why he was imprisoned in the first place. You will keep guessing why he was, and what does John Abraham have to do with it.
Did find a flaw in the movie though. At the beginning when Sanjay Dutt is abducted and confined, his wife has just got the news that she's pregnant and doesn't get a chance to tell him.
A little later in a news clip that that Dutt is watching the reporter says 'his wife has been murdered a year after his disappearance'.
And the later on John Abraham tells Dutt that he killed his wife when his child was a year old and now his daughter is 14 years old.
Hmmm... if Dutt's wife just got the news before he was abducted she must have been only about three months pregnant at the most. So if she was killed when the child was a year old, that would be about two years (or a year and a half) after the abduction. In which case after 14 years of confinement for Dutt his daughter should have been 13 years old.
Ahhh... see story writer made an error... must be weak in maths :)
But with the goof-up also it’s worth a watch.

Tuesday, 14 March 2006

Wind, Water, Earth

“ I thought we could flow together”, said water,
And wind said, “But I want the sky”
“Don’t you think that’s a little too high
I can’t give you the whole sky
But in the stillness of me, you’ll find a piece of it lies”
“That isn’t enough, I want more”

Water had thought they were so the same
But this was turning out to be a different ball game
Maybe water should just forget about wind
It’s after all the earth on whom she flows and bends
And with every turn a story tells
Wind may whisper or holler
But with earth she gurgles and giggles
Of earth she is an important part
At times she may go right to the heart

Looking out she was all this time
Looking in now it all seems fine
Earth’s always been there through it all
Maybe its time to give him a chance after all.

*** A piece written in 2003. Unearthing old diaries is so much fun :)

Love : a new theory

"Love: An irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired." - Mark Twain

So true ain't it. Love isn't only about wanting but more about being wanted. We women and men, each in our own ways want the same.

Women want to be told how much they are loved, how they are indespensible in the mans life. How he just can't live with out her, how he wouldn't know what to do without her etc. Now these same things can be said in kind and with gifts.

Men... now they want their women to be waiting for them when they return at the end of the day, food made to their taste, a ready listener to all their cursing and cribbing about work and bosses, someone will take their side no matter what etc.

Now look at all of it. At the bottom of it all lies a want to be wanted. At the end all a human wants is to be wanted, coz loneliness is just of feeling of not feeling wanted :)