Tuesday, 14 March 2006

Love : a new theory

"Love: An irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired." - Mark Twain

So true ain't it. Love isn't only about wanting but more about being wanted. We women and men, each in our own ways want the same.

Women want to be told how much they are loved, how they are indespensible in the mans life. How he just can't live with out her, how he wouldn't know what to do without her etc. Now these same things can be said in kind and with gifts.

Men... now they want their women to be waiting for them when they return at the end of the day, food made to their taste, a ready listener to all their cursing and cribbing about work and bosses, someone will take their side no matter what etc.

Now look at all of it. At the bottom of it all lies a want to be wanted. At the end all a human wants is to be wanted, coz loneliness is just of feeling of not feeling wanted :)

1 comment:

  1. love is something that everyone craves for.. a woman wants her man to take good care of her, dress her well and keep her as the apple of his eye..but then sometimes its not possible to do so.. the irony of love is that couples scream at each other so much not because of hatred or anger, but because of love. but even in that selfish needs and desires of a man or a woman, its the warmth that they find in each other that binds them and keeps them together.
    love aint all smiles.. love aint all happiness. love is like a rainbow after a storm, shining bright on a rainy day.

