Friday, 22 January 2010

I, me and my life on my terms…

A few days back I met Ramya [Thanks Ramya :)] to discuss a social media tool, her company was working on among other things. More on the tool in another post; this post is about the rest of our talk.

I had met Ramya through my blog. We exchanged a few emails and decided to meet. Ramya had questions for me that a lot of others have asked on what I do, why I do it, how I live this life, etc… You get the drift. Talking to Ramya was a walk down memory lane and I wanted to take you along. :)

A bit about me – I am a freelancer, have a range of skills, I do my own thing on my own time, travel a fair bit, have all I need, do not work for a corporate company and yet enjoy every moment and live life on my terms. [This is as people see me :D, I do have my own low moments :) ]

Disclaimer: The walk starts now and may be a bit long so if want to turn back now, you can…

I have always been a bit of a rebel, from way back when I remember I wanted things a certain way and wouldn’t settle for less, I did the unacceptable as normal. I remember my first cycle – I wanted a boys cycle and my parents said no, I waited 2 years stubbornly before they relented (it helped that picking and dropping me off at school was getting tedious).

I didn’t want big things, I just wanted what I wanted big or small but mostly it was small. Small things make me happy, I don’t care so much for the quality or brand of stuff as long as it does the job, I don’t care much for money or tomorrow.

Then about 10 years back I started to learn some lessons (lessons to me that is). I realized the value of today, of now, of each moment. I figured that money had no value because it can’t buy happiness, peace or love. Ok no more gyan, I’m sure you have these answers too. :)

Anyway so going on, I caught the travel and biking bug in my early twenties almost about the same time. Then on I started to crave to be free, to not have to work, to do my own thing…. I was not happy with the way my life was and so I started to plan to start anew. I quit my job as a corporate trainer and with 30K in hand I set out to travel in 2006. The plan was to travel as long as possible and when I ran out of money come back. But what did happen was I got a travel writing job on the way and they paid me to travel, I met some great people who sponsored some food and stay, relatives & friends boarded me for months and some friends who even travelled along. What did happen was I travelled for 8 months before I finally came back home.

To most of my family what I had done was mad while I was doing it (later it was something to brag about) but they supported me. I met some amazing people who gave me insight into myself and the world around me. I had come back with a lot of data and numbers. I realized that I didn’t need a lot of money but wanted a lot of time; I became a freelancer.

I started out doing proofreading and language editing and soon moved on to writing scripts and storyboards for learning modules. Before long I was working on website content with a lot of research involved. Sounds like a lot of work? It was most times but I loved it, I also loved saying no when I wasn’t in a mood to work.

I worked with Spiti Ecosphere an NGO in Spiti in the Himalayas for 5 months and came back to continue as a freelancer. I had met the man who was ‘just right’ for me, and we fix like a puzzle. I got an opportunity to market BookBuzzr a free online book marketing tool. When I started out it was a challenge, I had in my travelling lost touch with the internet and had to learn a hell of a lot and let’s not mention marketing. So I did what I do best, learn new stuff. BTW social media is fun and amazingly challenging.

So this is where I am today…

Disclaimer – Here on there is gyan, you can turn away now if you want to :)

To be a freelancer, according to me these are needed.

- You need to find out what you want to do. This is the toughest but you also can do it by trial and error :)
- You should make sure you have no financial obligations or at least have enough saved for those.
- Be open to less money more time. There are no guarantees of jobs here.
- Tell all you know about what you do. Word of mouth is the best way to get jobs.
- Setup a blog and get a website.
- Learn and set yourself up. Build a reputation.
- Work ethic and conscience is very important as there will be distractions galore.
- And having a supportive family and friends is a plus.

I love my life and how I live it. True I haven’t got a plan for 5 years from now but am sure I’ll figure it out on the way. I don’t have a huge bank balance but I know that somewhere somehow I’ll make as much as I need. I live a somewhat minimalistic life, I question everything as ‘Do I need this?’ and act only when the answer is ‘yes’. Above all I have a great life-partner and family who understand me and what I want to do and love me enough to set me free.

Photo Credit: Chenthil


  1. Hey Freya! You are my guru in voice based BPO operation! I am really very impressed with your thoughts and insights. I will look forward to following your blog! You continue to be my guru!

  2. Hi Johny

    Thank you for stopping by :)
    I still remember that day you listened-in to my call. She was one of the most difficult customers I ever had to deal with and your being there had made me so nervous :)


  3. very gud and neat write up ...Not many we know get the away with life as we want it - many a times not even close to it ...Wishing you all the best ;)

  4. Hey Freya,

    I am not sure I mentioned this the lasy time we met but I admire you a whole lot. I had caught a glimpse of part of this story back then, it was mostly about your travel across India, but even in that somewhere I felt like you were already the person I was getting at being...and you should know you have been an inspiration for me to get there faster and with zero doubt. Go on rock

  5. Thanks Gokul :)

    Best wishes to you too... May you realise all your dreams :)

  6. Am at a loss for words... Thanks Anu :)

  7. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Freya, Freya Fatema Rehman. Freya Fatema Rehman said: I, me and my life on my terms… | A trip down memory lane :) [...]

  8. Hey Freya,
    Just yesterday, I was mentioning you to ma fiance' I dnt knw if u remmbr di argument we had in the flight enroute UK.

    Amazing summary of what u r n ur life on ur terms... U've found a new fan in me... Would luv 2 catch up wid u sme time n chat up dude.. gimme ur no. if u like, wl cl u sme time....


  9. Hey Ruks

    Thanks for dropping by :)

    Did we have an argument? Wow! I don't remember anymore :) We should catch up...


  10. freya,

    I have seen you and followed each of travels and one thing you have forgotten to mention is your photography:),

    Yes its great to read memories of a person who follows heart more then mind,

    Old lines i sometime back wrote:

    "Looking back at the day's gone by, I feel no fear no regrets and no sigh. My heart is calm and content and serene.
    With a cup of tea;
    I have new day to begin, Crushed with the beans of memories, Brewed with blend of stories I can smell the aroma of life.
    In this cup of tea.
    That is kept near by.. Makes me feel as if In a sip of this tea A LIFE has passed by....."

    Keep Writing, travelling, in short living life:))



  11. Thanks Amol... Chai pilao yaar...

    Thats such a touching poem, so you :)

    I did forget the photography and its been such a long time since I went click-click :)


  12. Wonderful .. :) :) .. quite a few ppl can do this though everyone want this ..

  13. Its not that tough Vamsi... But somehow we believe it is and never make the effort...

    Thanks for stopping by :)
