Over the years I have met a lot of hijras and even spent a night talking to one in an unreserved coach on the Indian Railway. I have come to respect them for standing up to who they are no matter the odds society throws at them. Their life is tough but they smile and accept it; that’s something most of us can’t do.
Most of us treat them badly and think they are all harassing beggars; not true. They are people who want respect most of all. Try speaking to one nicely, even if it is just to say you have no change. You’d be surprised by how you don’t get harassed. You might just get a really nice free smile.
I don’t like how people treat them or think they are un-natural. They aren’t and we in India shouldn’t be thinking that way. Our culture is filled with them; Arjuna who lived for a year the life of a eunuch disguise as a transgender Brihannala, is an excellent example. We from age-old wisdom should know they are a part of the pattern. We need them, they serve a grander purpose. You think I’m mad, don’t you? :)
Well from the way I look at it, in every species some choose a different path which leads to NO pro-creation. This is a necessity to control the species number while still keeping the working number constant. They are not very different from people who choose not to marry or not to have children. They all play a very important role in the grand scheme of things. I’m including all differents here – Hijras, Transgenders, Homosexuals, Transexuals, ...
So why treat them so badly, why call them un-natural? Why can we not accept them and get to know them beyond their sexual choice. Why must we be biased; this is just like a religious and caste bias and we fight that. What do you think? Should we still be biased?
Photo Credits: mikegarten.com & Arunreginald
Thanks on Twitter to: @aravindkumar, @manjunaath, @s_kc
The WiKi article was quite an eyeopener..... :)