TfN (Tour of Nilgiris) starts off today or rather by the time you see this we would have started out and will be well on our way to Mysore. :) Watch out for todays update towards evening (if the internet gods are willing that is).
Don’t forget to follow Venky on his blog Venky’s Monkey Musings and More.. for more TfN updates.
Now here’s some totally random trivia about the riders in Tour of Nilgiris 2012.
- A total of 85 riders will be at the starting point.
- 9 of them are women riders.
- Only 1 out of 9 women is from Bangalore.
- There are more riders above than below the age of 35 – 46 vs 37.
- The youngest rider is 21 and the oldest is 56 year old Renu Mittal.
- The nationalities other than Indian are American, British, Flemish – Belgian, Dutch and Swiss.
- The three top cities riders have come from are Bangalore (33), Pune(11) and Ahmedabad(11).
- The largest blood group present is ‘O+’ (36).
- The most popular type of bike being used is the Road bike (61), but there are also 18 Hybrids and 4 Mountain bikes.
- The three most popular manufacturers are Trek, Cannondale and Bianchi.
- 400km is the longest ever day ride done by the riders at TfN.
- 3 volunteers from TfN 2011 will be cycling this year.
- 12 riders have participated in a previous TfN.
- Non-vegetarians(53) are the majority group this year on TfN, followed by vegetarians(22) and eggetarians(8).
The last two weeks have been a lot of theory and numbers as you’ve seen in my last few posts (sorry for that). Now it's time to try out the theory in practice and meet the numbers – the riders and their cycles. :)
Cheers to the next 8 days being filled with sun-soaked mountains and the ever-winding road…
See you in the evening. :)
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TfN Brought to You by
The Ride a Cycle foundation aims to create more cyclists and bring more cycles on the road through various programs. TfN is one of them!
Haha.. Good one, sis! Thanks for a kick-'ass' intro! ;)