Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Review Yesterday, Plan for Tomorrow, Party Tonight

It seems like yesterday that it was New Year and here we are with a new year starting again. The years seem to be flying past as life slips by me and I watch it all unfold in slow motion. Ok, enough moroseness; switching topics - Happy New Year to you. May 2013 bring exciting times in your life. :-)

This is the only 13th year in our lifetimes. 2013 for those who are triskaidekaphobic, must not be something to look forward to but I think 13's lucky for me so, bring it on :) But before I start the new year I thought I'd look back at what I had planned for 2012, and just what came of all my grand plans.

So here's some of what I'd listed out on January 1st, 2012. Warning: the following may get introspecty and boring, so skip to the end if you like :)

Learn to use the Mac well - I did try to do this and succeeded to a comfort level but not maybe an expert level. However as things turned out the Mac become more Che's travel computer and I got the iPad that I seem to be using more and more these days. (I'm typing this post on the iPad. :D )

Learn a new craft - I didn't get started on this for a long time but in the last quarter I put it together and bought three potted plants. I've learnt a lot already and I still have a lot of learning ahead but plants are still alive right now. :) I did a bit baking through the year though and tried a new recipe every time. Most of it turned out well, but my breads still need some rising :?

Blog regularly - I wasn't very regular but I did write the highest number of blog posts ever this year, 103! And there were a couple of cool high-points for my blog this year - a few authors got in touch with me for reviews (I'm still smiling about that one); I'm not all that bad a book reviewer after all. :) I also got to blog the Tour of Nilgiris as their official blogger - TfN is this cool hip must-do tour in cycling circles and having seen it I heartily agree.

Mission Cuckoo - I didn't get much done on this front. I had hoped to teach Cuckoo some new tricks but I just didn't get down it. I did experiment with new toys though and surprise of surprises I found a toy that Buddha finally showed an interest in.

Read 50 books and watch 50 movies - This is one section where I excelled. I read 70 books and I've definitely watched over 50 movies though I can't remember all of them. I really wish someone would make a GoodReads kindof site for movies.

In retrospect its been a good year. I didn't really follow the plan but I did get most of what I had planned done, or at least somewhat done :) I hadn't thought of 2012 as a gret year but it was, with lots of travel packed in too. :D

Looks like this plan and review thing works, well it did make me feel good this year. So, here's a few things I'd like to do in 2013.

  • I'd like to spend more interactive time with Cuckoo. Senti needs more exercise and so do I so, that's on my list too. Then there's Buddha who's getting older and needs more attention and care. And last but not least is William and Max, the new additions to my brood, who will take a while to settle in.

  • I need to learn a lot more about gardening, and set up a small veggies garden. I also intend to start composting at home.

  • Last year I tried my hand at baking and came away fairly successful. This year I want to learn some of the finer nuances. I want to try my hand at icing and fondant.

  • Start cycling. Yeah, yeah, ok, ok, TfN did inspire me. Not to cycle TfN 8O but to take up cycling and explore the area I live in. ;)

  • I have a jigsaw that has been incomplete for a while now, I intend to complete it and start a new one.

  • Last year I set a target of 50, this year I think I'll up it to a 100 books.

  • And of course it goes without saying - more blog posts than last year. :P

Phew! that seems like a long list. Wonder how much I'll get done. Well, either ways looking back next year will be fun.
Have you done this? Does this review thing work for you?


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