It's bath week and between Che and me we got 4 dogs done. Got two more to go!
Senti and William have been getting a little cozy this week. That's a new milestone in their relationship!
Cuckoo has her very own TV at home. You should see her watch with rapt attention from this vantage point...
And if you haven't had enough of Cuckoo you can listen to her too!
Here's what busy mornings look like at Pawsible...
Che calls this photo "My Muses", but I've put it here because I love how my hair is curling and that's what I look like when I'm trying hard to catch up on some writing!
Bakri Eid is coming up on Monday and the cattle markets are in full swing... The same grounds that were full of Ganesh Idols and then Durga Idols, are now full of goats...
What had you been upto last week?
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