Monday, 9 January 2006

Lakhpathi ya Bikhari...

Was talking to an aunt of my the other day. While talking about everything under the sun we got to volunteer work and she was telling me about some of the work she had done in college. She told me an interesting story and well its quite something so decided to put it up here.

Quite a few years ago almost 15-20 I guess this old guy suddenly appeared outside the synagogue near Mother Teresa Home in Bombay. He just sat in one place and didn't budge for anything. Surviving on what ever people gave him he just sat there day and night. Soon the place started stinking, people going to the synagogue would cover their noses as they walked passed but no one wanted to do anything for this guy.

Finally the people at the synagogue decided to enlist help and approached a girl who did social work in the area. She went and spoke to the people at the Mother Teresa Home. They said they would take him if some kind of contribution would be made to the Home. They didn't want money but clothes, food etc could be given. The girl went back to the synagogue and told them. They went ahead and made some contribution.

The guy was moved to the Home with a lot of resistance and setup there but soon there too the smell became over-powering. The Superior there decided that it would be best to at least give him a bath. The workers armed with masks and all took him in. But he refused to remove his jacket and clothes. Finally after a lot of struggle when they did remove his jacket they found 3 lakh odd rupees.

Questioning led to finding out that his kids had asked him to leave the house and at that point what ever money he could lay his hands on he took and left. Now that it was known that he belonged to a wealthy family the people at the Home were having second thoughts on keeping him there. After all they didn't know what to do with the money, the old guy didn't wanna part with it, and there was this fear of his family accusing the Home of taking him in for the money at a later point.

The Home refused to keep him there any longer and he was back on the road. He went straight back to the Synagogue, only this time they knew how much he was worth and gave him place to stay inside the gate of the Synagogue and take care of him.

What a difference money can make to how compassionate people feel!!


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