Monday, 5 May 2014

Q for Quebec, Q for Quirky

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="415" caption="Photo Credit: Chenthil"][/caption]

I consider myself a quirky person, someone who is strange/not normal but cool or strikingly unconventional or as Google describes it 'having or characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits or aspects'.

But this post isn't about my quirkiness, it's about my quirks. As I was tossing words around for 'Q', I selected quirky and quiet but I didn't know what to write about each. Quirky seemed easier but then after some thought it started to sound like I was just so full of myself. So, I landed up thinking about my quirks. And I have so many of them, that even I don't know them all. Should ask Che sometime, he'll know all and more. :P

Without further a-do, here's a list of a few of my quirks -

  • I always squeeze the toothpaste from the back.

  • Then there's the seat, I always put it up after use. Oh, and wipe it down if it's wet.

  • I will go back to double-check after a bath if I switched the lever back to tap or not. (that applies for the geyser switch too!)

  • I will give the soap a bath if I find even a grain of sand on it.

  • I wash my bathroom after a bath coz I can't stand finding stray hair.

  • I am crazy particular about everything kept in it's place, even if the place is a right mess.

  • I have to pee just before I get into bed at night, else I can't sleep.

  • I love the combination of cheese and mango pickle in a sandwich. Ever tried it?

  • I'll never go anywhere without a book.

  • I pee just before I go out anywhere (drives Che crazy!).

  • My handbag is almost a survival kit!

  • I fiddle with my toe nails when I'm thinking.

I'm doing that right now as I racking my brains for more quirks... Our quirks make us who we are don't they, each person unique in their combination of quirks. Some quirks seem cute, some not so much, sometimes the same quirk that's cute in one person is down right irritating when another does it. Quirks make me smile though when I think of how stuck up I am sometimes, well mine made me laugh as I thought of them. Some of mine are just so silly.

What are your quirks? Do you share any of my quirks? Which is your most irritating quirk of all time?

P.S. - Che's doing a Project 365 with his new camera and the your's truly one up there was shot by him. You can see other photos from his project on his Tumblr page. :)


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