Over the years I've realised thatnbsp; taking a day-off makes the work-load of the rest of the week easier. This was easy to do in the corporate world where I had designated days off. But as a freelancer, everyday is Sunday.
As a freelancer I get to choose my day off, invariably though that means a 7 day week. There is always stuff to do and so the day off gets put-off. Days of the week blend in until all days feel the same. I don't notice the Sundays slip by. And slowly an irritability and crankiness sets in. Until I take time off from the daily routine and get over it.
We woke up today to a cool morning with cloudy skies and an intermittent drizzle. As we walked the dogs in a drizzle, I absorbed the day. It was a lovely day after all the sun we've had lately. A day of cold winds bearing a fine mist of water that invited a time-out. It was an excellent day to play.
My mind made up I went about all I had to do to free up the day. I wanted to spend today catching up on some interview recordings. But kismet had other plans and electricity was on the blip today. Thanks to it though, after ages Che and I sat down to a game of scrabble. And I won, with a clear margin. :-)
A while back I came across Anna an animal communicator and what she did impressed me so much, I've been wanting to learn it too. Last week I came across an Animal Speak Summit and signed up to see what I could learn. But I just haven't been able to sit down and listen to the interviews for an hour everyday.
Today was a good day as any I figured to listen to the recordings. I managed to listen to two recordings. Were they earth-shattering, not really but it may be too early to judge the summit based on two recordings.
Even though it was time-out day, I got a lot of work done. Some home work, some work work, and even some scrabble. It's been a very productive day.
Maybe I should take a time-out everyday. :-P
Do you think time-off is important? How often do you take a day off? What do you do on your day off?
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