This weekend I’m off to Mumbai to attend the Indiblogger, BNLF event. BNLF which stands for Blog Now and Live Forever is a one of a kind event being organised for the first time in India and I’m all excited to attend.
Years from now when we look back at blogging and it’s history in India, it'll be cool to boast about the fact that I was there at the first big blogging event. Hey, I do like boasting a bit. But aside from that I’m also looking forward to meeting a lot of old friends and making some new ones.
I’ve got to start packing once I’m done here, yep I know it’s early considering I leave early morning on Saturday and I still have one more day tomorrow but don’t even talk or think of tomorrow, it’s going to be a crazy day with me running around getting things done and organising & instructing for when I’m gone [the control freak me, doesn’t give up easily :D ].
So while I printout my passes and make notes on the agenda, here’s some of what is expected at BNLF.
There’s going to be two packed days of talks and discussions with some very interesting speakers. The line up includes Blog Coach - Jeff Bullas, Video Blogger - Kanan Gill, Author - Preeti Shenoy, Blogger - Purba Ray, Blogger - Arnab Ray, Marketer - Christoph Trappe, Blogger - Anshul Tiwari and last the icing on the cake, Bruce Dickinson - Lead singer Iron Maiden.
I’m looking forward to some of the sessions as they sound very promising and I’m hoping to learn some new tips and tricks.
Day 1 covers public relations for a blogger, life changing capabilities of blogging, telling authentic stories, public opinion and bloggers, creating videos, tips for global blogging success, blogging to book and turning readers into fans. Phew! thats a lot!
But there’s more on day 2 - an entire session on authentic stories, creating them and moving away from traditional marketing with Christoph Trappe, followed by 7 steps to master blogging by Jeff Bullas. Day two doesn’t have a lot of speakers but it looks packed!
In-between this there is also be a backstage party on 31st after the day is done and it's invite only but I get to go coz all IndiCrew members get access. (IndiCrew is a volunteer bunch who help with the back-end stuff).
Apart from all that, the Indiblogger guys say there will also be "an authentic Mexican restaurant on wheels, a Master Class on Italian cuisine, a wall to climb, some smoking hot rides and a whole lot more".
This weekend is going to be fun. I’ll tell you all about it once it’s done but you can also follow updates from me on Twitter - @Freya3377.
That’s it from me this week… I’m off to wrap-up and pack… :)
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