The last week has been challenging and fulfilling. I have been more productive than I’ve been in a while. I got a fair bit done in multiple spaces, and I haven’t done that in a while.
We’ve also had weird weather. It’s boiling hot two days followed by cloudy skies for two days which in turn are trailed by hot days and rainy evenings. This is the wrong month for rain, it hope it doesn't impact the crops too much.
The Week on the Blog
After the AtoZ Challenge this month I’m doing the 30 Day Blogging Challenge. I’ve not best army best through the challenge until now, I’ve missed a few days and not been able to keep up with the study material at all. Got to try harder.
I did make some changes to the blog though. I added the Jetpack and Worpress SEO by Yoast plugin’s. They are simple but packed with so much stuff. With each post I’m figuring out SEO.
The Week in Reading
I’ve been trying to finish reading the Perry Mason series for a while now. I just never got down to reading Mason in school and college and had to correct that error. Now I’m almost done, just two more books to go!
Now that the collection is done I’m hoping to finish with my long pending review list soon. Need to make inroads into it and fast. This week I’m hoping to read ‘Choked’ by Bharath Sarma Rejeti.
The Week in Gardening
Last week I got some cuttings from an aunt and planted them. The aum plant and lemon grass seem to be chugging along but the strawberries and mint seem to have died. I’ve got my fingers crossed hoping for some magic.
I also sowed a fresh batch of cherry tomato, two varieties of other tomatoes, two varieties of chillies and two of basil. It’s time to get the kitchen garden going in ernest.
The Week in Health and Fitness
I’ve been cheating on my diet a bit and have had a couple of coffees and teas. This week been one of lots of gas, mild discomfort most days and one bad night. I test out gripe water last month and it seemed to help so now I’ve a bottle handy always. :D
Che and I started a 10 days swimming challenge. We’ve been going late evening and this weather it’s been lovely to get into the pool after the heat of the day. However we managed only 3 days before life caught up again. Got to do better next week.
What have you been upto last week?
P.S. – Day Thirteen of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.
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