Monday, 26 December 2005

Bullet Odyssey

The bullet started in 3 kicks yesterday, forgot to close choke then and so she got rich and then didn't start once we reached the petrol pump. But thankfully wasn't embarassing coz even the pump guys had to kick quite a bit before she started. And I was proud of the fact that I recognised the problem. :)

But then she didn't start today morning again. Wonder if it was the cold. Tried choke and all except for the idling. 20 minutes of kicking and 3 suggestions from Mom on asking neighbour boy for help saw me take an auto to Pallavi's house.

However good fun was my Mom trying to kick start and I was like wait I'll tell u how, coz it kicks back and I was worried that she would get hurt but she was like I know let me try. Well didn't start.
Then Granny saw me holding the back rest while kicking so she thought its some kind of thing done to keep the bike stable so she went at the back and put full strength and said I'm holding now u kick.
Comet all this while was giving the bike funny looks coz the engine was not catching and only making half thump sounds and he was waiting for the exaust to start pulsing (he enjoys the rush of air, or maybe petrol fumes are his kick factor :D).
The ultimate though was my Granny saying she will try kicking. She stood on the kicker and put full force, kicker didn't move an inch.

Thats my morning adventure for u... Full pissed... will need to have a talk with Faakira today evening :) This behaviour is unacceptable.


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