Monday, 27 November 2006

Love – a commodity?

A thought struck me and I wondered about it. I thought of love and the human search for it. All of us have a picture of it in our minds, how it should be, what the person should be like, look like, what they should do, what they shouldn’t do, what quantities they should have…
It’s like the world is a supermarket and we are looking for that item of our choice. We know what we want and either wait until we find it or some will try out products that come close to their requirements to see if it satisfies.
Sometimes the product has its own criteria of use and in such cases either you have to let go of the product or pretend to be able to fulfill the criteria.
However most people will not settle for anything but the product they want. But then there also are those which will just live with what they have because they can’t afford the other or it’s not available or the supermarket doesn’t have an exchange policy.
Yeah, Love is a commodity too.

Friday, 24 November 2006


I watched 'Dor' today. As always Nagesh Kukunoor has done a good job. The story of two women and their different lives in two corners of India and yet they are tied together by the strings of circumstance. An amazing insight into a woman’s life with its joys and challenges. Only a woman can want revenge for the pain caused and yet forgive with a pure heart.

And as always it set me thinking. I associated a lot with Zeenat; the self made woman, a rebel who follows her heart. She's fought for all she has and in the process become a force to reckon with. This isn’t just something about Zeenat every woman has this in her. Just that most women keep it behind closed doors of their minds and hearts.

A woman, every woman is powerful, loving, caring, kind, generous and yet someone you don't want to slight. It’s rightly said that women have immense capability and brilliance when it come to revenge. All this comes from the tolerance of a woman. She is the birth-given and in the process endures pain that would bring great heroes to their knees. But this is not the end of the pain; she has her crosses to bear for life, as a daughter, wife and mother. In each role she needs to give so much more then she will get. Even after she gives so much she put to the test every time, constantly asked to prove herself.

But there are women who break free, who have the courage to question society’s norms and the will to walk their own path. Those who have opened the doors of the mind and heart. Those who listen to their heart, walk the path of the heart and along the way touch so many lives, enriching and encouraging them.

Thursday, 23 November 2006

Striving for Permanence

A few days earlier I was chatting with a friend who asked me when I would return. I replied in good humour that I would return when I felt I was missed enough, to which he said that wouldn’t happen; what would happen though was that I would be forgotten and then remembered once in a while.

Today as I sat garnishing some dish in the kitchen my thoughts returned to that conversation. At that time I hadn’t given it much thought but now I saw the conversation in a new light. It struck me that nothing is permanent, everything is so transitory.

We as a race strive for permanence; its seen in our fixation with buildings, monuments, artifacts, recording of history, … , even the fact that we want to make it big in life, do something great only to be remembered. Yet we are here on earth only in transit maybe.

The world is like a transit lounge at an airport where while waiting for a flight you may notice people walk past, briefly remember expressions, bear in mind for a little longer that cute guy/gal, retain parts of a conversation you had with the person sitting next to you and maybe remember him/her. But all of this gets stored away to be recalled someday, when a thought is triggered but even then its just momentary. And just as everyone else is just a flash in our memory we may be the same in theirs.

No one will remember you forever or even all of their life, at some point you will be moved to the archive section of the mind. No one includes parents, siblings, children, spouse and best friends. Out of sight will soon be out of mind.

And yet we make every effort towards permanence not realizing that the future does not matter, what matters is this moment for it is all you have. Everything we do is aimed at a distant future. We take loans to build houses for a safe tomorrow, we saved all our money for a rainy tomorrow, we make huge investments for a bright tomorrow, send our kids to expensive schools for their classy tomorrow... In this race for tomorrow we seem to forget today. Tomorrow all these buildings may crumble, our libraries may rot, currencies and investments may disintegrate, we may perish but if we’ve lived each moment completely we would have lived life.

It does not matter who remembers me once am gone, it doesn’t even matter who remembers me while am here, for people come and go, that’s the way of life but what does matter is whether am satisfied with how I have lived my life. For in the end the only one who will remember me is me and that also maybe impermanent.

Sunday, 12 November 2006

Saturday, 28 October 2006

Tuesday, 17 October 2006

Monday, 4 September 2006

Brief peek...

Ahhh here’s a pic of me as I am now… or was in Leh…

Ride's been good and this kinda life rocks... don't ever wanna work again... think will just get married and sit at home :D... so all boys line-up :P

Rest all great... just chilling in Delhi, if you can call it that in this heat...
The ride was good with some amazing incidents and nice people... Army tea at Captains Curve on Zozila, Bangalore Army boy who was so thrilled to meet someone from Bangy that he didn't even notice that all I said was 'haudu', hauda' and all other ok's, stranded in Leh for 8 days, got stuck at a landslide, stayed over at the BRO HQ camp with the major there hitting on me almost had to physically throw him out, stayed in a Gurudwara, got interrogated by Kasmiri Pir Baba...

Oh some ride its been and ofcourse Musafir gave me no trouble at all...

Thats it from here for now... see ya all soon

Friday, 1 September 2006

Friday, 18 August 2006

Monday, 14 August 2006

Friday, 11 August 2006

Monday, 7 August 2006

Wednesday, 2 August 2006

Tuesday, 1 August 2006

Friday, 28 July 2006

Updates - Last 3 days

25th July - Freya reached Chandratal. The gang camped there for the night. She messaged saying its been an awesome ride ;-)

26th July - The group started from Chandratal and reached Koksar in the evening. This is where Freya breaks away from the group and heads off to Leh

27th July - People part ways. All alone Freya heads to Leh. Her stop for the Night will be Keylong. She reached Keylong and messaged me saying that she has reached safe and sound.

Tuesday, 25 July 2006


Hi Guys,
We are at Kaza today and will be leaving for Chandratal Lake tomorrow morning.
Saw the Kih festival today.
Everything is great so far. The Ride is absolute amazing. Few great losses include 2 cameras with amazing videos :( it fell of Martins (Prabhu's Friend from UK) Bike. We still have sufficient in Mine, Esha and Vodka's Cameras.

Not yet decided whether we are going to do Chamba or direct to Manali and back home. will be deciding it tomorrow based on news about the Roads.

Rest when we are back


Saturday, 22 July 2006

Thursday, 20 July 2006

Wednesday, 19 July 2006

Tuesday, 18 July 2006

Monday, 17 July 2006

Tuesday, 11 July 2006

Tuesday, 27 June 2006

Free Falling...

It been sometime, sometime since I did many things - updated this blog, went on a ride, wrote a write-up... Its time now, yeah its time…

It’s been almost two years since my 'Journey of Firsts', and these two years have seen me through quite a bit. Some of the highest highs and the lowest lows, some brilliant discoveries and some nonsensical mistakes. Days when I couldn't stop smiling and days when I couldn't find a smile. But through it all I have still been learning, and these two years have been a learning experience, life's just that isn't it :)

Its time now to slip away, to just let go. It may just sound mad, stupid, risky, dumb, foolish, imbecilic, moronic, insane... to some, and some may just sum it up with 'she's lost it', but then not too many people can, can they?

So I’m leaving here, not for good but for sometime. Am leaving to wander, to roam, to learn, to meet people, to follow my heart. Sounds too cryptic?

Well, you will know with time, watch out for the updates here and you'll know what I meant. In the mean time, you will notice some change on this blog and I hope you and your good wishes will be with me along the way. :)

So off I go...

I'm free, free falling,
I wanna free fall out into nothin',
Gonna leave this world for awhile.
And I'm free, free falling.
Yeah I'm free, free falling.

Tuesday, 13 June 2006

Investments for Life

Last week my Mom's cousin and family had come from Bombay for a holiday. One morning while having breakfast we were discussing investments. As always my family wanted to check on my financial status, so there came the question - What investments have you made?
I thought and the said - 'Three, I have invested in myself, for my grandchildren and for my retirement.'
'And what are the investments?'
'Hmmm, well,' I said, 'I invest in myself, spend on all I want to do and all that makes me happy, a fulfilled life, so I may not have all that everyone has but I have done all I wanted to do and seen all I wanted to see. I have had an enriching life and learnt a lot from it. My second investment is my grandchildren. I will be their favourite grandma, their role model and above all else, I will never have to repeat a story and will never run out of them. I will pass from this life and yet not have told them all of my life. And my third investment is my retirement, when I sit back then to review my life, I will be satisfied, very satisfied, and ready to then leave at anytime.
I would have lived each day to the fullest, my life completely.'
Well... the conversation then moved on to the usual convincing of you have to make monetary investments etc, but I'm not gonna bore you with that.

Sunday, 21 May 2006

The inside is larger than the outside

Well its been a long time since this blog got updated. Have been busy and stuff. Thats no excure to not blog but here's my excuse to blog :).
I have just finished with the Cronicles of Narnia and I enjoyed the books. They reminded me of Enid Blyton and my childhood. The last book is great. Actually can't say which one of the seven is my favourite because I enjoyed all of them. I lived through all the adventures and got to know the characters as if I knew them in person.
Something to think about - lately alot of adults are reading childrens books like Harry Potter, Narnia etc. Is it that these adults are trying to relive their childhood or is there another explanation?
Anyway what I wanted to write about here was not about this but something I came across in the last book of the series.
It said "The farther up and the farther in you go,the bigger everything gets. The inside is larger than the outside."
It kinda rings true doesn't it... The more in-detail you go the more there is to see and explore.
With people if you start getting to know them there is no end. With places and countries, you will never be able to see it completely. The more inwards you go the more there will be to explore. The same holds true for ideas and thoughts. There is not end, somehow you can just go on and on.
And the overview or the outside is just a small part of the inside. As you go further it just keeps getting bigger.
Like my confusion on why normally when going into details is called micro but in photography zooming into details will be a macro shot. Maybe coz as you go into detail the picture gets bigger. So the farther in you go the bigger everything gets...
Hmmm... worth a thought eh...

Tuesday, 9 May 2006

A woman's bike

The 30th April Edition of 'The Week' magazine had a small article on me for riding. Here it is...

Fatima—Freya to friends—started riding a bike in 2002. The 25-year-old computer science graduate, now a trainer at a call centre in Bangalore, fell in love with a friend’s 1994 model Yamaha RX 100 and bought it. In 2004, she did a bike trip from Bangalore to the Rann of Kutch on the RX. The ride was to celebrate the anniversary of 60KPH, a Mumbai-based riding club. “I had only done small trips before that. This was a 4,082-km ride,” she recalls.
Although anxious, her family was supportive. “As a kid, I rode my brother’s bicycle. Girlie stuff was not for me. I like the power of bikes,” she says.
A few months ago, Freya bought a Bullet Machismo 350, with gears on the left side. “Bullet gives a different thrill,” she says. “I never felt I was at risk on the Kutch trip. People in our country are so welcoming. Of course, I had to make bookings wherever possible and had to stick to the golden rule: never ride alone at night.”
Freya hopes she would be able to do a bike ride to the Himalayas on the Machismo. “I have always loved travelling. If you like bikes, then it is an excellent combination,” she says.

The Link to the article online.

Monday, 10 April 2006

Sunday, 9 April 2006

The Mind

Had a close call on the road last Saturday and later was analyzing it. First of all what happened was as I was cruising along when the tempo in front of me stopped, hence I moved to the left of the road and realized that a bullock cart was crossing the road at an angle and I didn't really have enough space to stop. With the tempo on my right, the pavement on my left and the bull in front of me there was no where to go. With no other option I just got as close as I could to the pavement, braked as much as possible, leaned in (or bent bike or something) and just squeezed through between pavement and bull.
The adrenaline rush was crazy, like when you know you were just so close. But once all that subsided and I had my wits back, it struck me that in that split second I hadn't really thought but just acted. Actually I did think just didn't review and the system kicked into a 'just do it' mode.
Now that would mean that its the primitive being who surfaced, - the being with out the ability to think the organized way of human beings – who was just trying to survive without a real thought to it.
Could it be that my speed of thought is that fast, where the difference between thought and action is so negligible and you can't differentiate between them?
Or do we have some kind of in built patterns and depending on the situation the mind just switches to that pattern. It’s all there like an if-else clause and the mind just chooses the right one. What happens if it chooses the wrong one? How does it know which is right?

Monday, 20 March 2006


Ahh... Finally saw Zinda on Thursday. I had liked the concept while watching the rushes and had wanted to watch it.
It’s a good movie, not something to watch repeatedly but a good first watch. At no point do you really get bored. No songs that have you going oh no, not another song. All largely built into the movie, it’s good. Sanjay Dutt's done a good job and so has John Abraham. The story keeps you guessing right to the end.
The movies about Sanjay Dutt being kept in solitary confinement for 14 years and then suddenly being release and give 4 days to find out why he was imprisoned in the first place. You will keep guessing why he was, and what does John Abraham have to do with it.
Did find a flaw in the movie though. At the beginning when Sanjay Dutt is abducted and confined, his wife has just got the news that she's pregnant and doesn't get a chance to tell him.
A little later in a news clip that that Dutt is watching the reporter says 'his wife has been murdered a year after his disappearance'.
And the later on John Abraham tells Dutt that he killed his wife when his child was a year old and now his daughter is 14 years old.
Hmmm... if Dutt's wife just got the news before he was abducted she must have been only about three months pregnant at the most. So if she was killed when the child was a year old, that would be about two years (or a year and a half) after the abduction. In which case after 14 years of confinement for Dutt his daughter should have been 13 years old.
Ahhh... see story writer made an error... must be weak in maths :)
But with the goof-up also it’s worth a watch.

Tuesday, 14 March 2006

Wind, Water, Earth

“ I thought we could flow together”, said water,
And wind said, “But I want the sky”
“Don’t you think that’s a little too high
I can’t give you the whole sky
But in the stillness of me, you’ll find a piece of it lies”
“That isn’t enough, I want more”

Water had thought they were so the same
But this was turning out to be a different ball game
Maybe water should just forget about wind
It’s after all the earth on whom she flows and bends
And with every turn a story tells
Wind may whisper or holler
But with earth she gurgles and giggles
Of earth she is an important part
At times she may go right to the heart

Looking out she was all this time
Looking in now it all seems fine
Earth’s always been there through it all
Maybe its time to give him a chance after all.

*** A piece written in 2003. Unearthing old diaries is so much fun :)

Love : a new theory

"Love: An irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired." - Mark Twain

So true ain't it. Love isn't only about wanting but more about being wanted. We women and men, each in our own ways want the same.

Women want to be told how much they are loved, how they are indespensible in the mans life. How he just can't live with out her, how he wouldn't know what to do without her etc. Now these same things can be said in kind and with gifts.

Men... now they want their women to be waiting for them when they return at the end of the day, food made to their taste, a ready listener to all their cursing and cribbing about work and bosses, someone will take their side no matter what etc.

Now look at all of it. At the bottom of it all lies a want to be wanted. At the end all a human wants is to be wanted, coz loneliness is just of feeling of not feeling wanted :)

Monday, 13 February 2006

One Flaw In Women

By the time the Lord made woman, He was into his sixth day of working overtime.
An angel appeared and said,
"Why are you spending so much time on this one?"
And the Lord answered, "Have you seen my spec sheet on her?
She has to be completely washable, but not plastic,
have over 200 movable parts, all replaceable
and able to run on diet coke and leftovers,
have a lap that can hold four children at one time,
have a kiss that can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart -and she will do everything
with only two hands."
­The angel was astounded at the requirements.
"Only two hands!? No way!
And that's just on the standard model?
That's too much work for one day.
Wait until tomorrow to finish."
­But I won't," the Lord protested.
"I am so close to finishing this creation that is so close to my own heart.
She already heals herself when she is sick
AND can work 18 hour days."
­The angel moved closer and touched the woman.
"But you have made her so soft, Lord."
­"She is soft," the Lord agreed,
"but I have also made her tough.
You have no idea what she can endure or accomplish."
­"Will she be able to think?", asked the angel.
­The Lord replied,
"Not only will she be able to think,
she will be able to reason and negotiate."
­The angel then noticed something,
and reaching out, touched the woman's cheek.
"Oops, it looks like you have a leak in this model.
I told you that you were trying to put too much into this one."
­"That's not a leak,"
the Lord corrected,
"that's a tear!"
"What's the tear for?" the angel asked.
­The Lord said, "The tear is her way of expressing her joy,
her sorrow, her pain, her disappointment, her love,
her loneliness, her grief and her pride."
The angel was impressed.
"You are a genius, Lord.
You thought of everything!
Woman is truly amazing."
­And she is!
Women have strengths that amaze men.
They bear hardships and they carry burdens,
but they hold happiness,
love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy
and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel
and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about
a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member,
yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss
can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you
to show how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning.
They bring joy, hope and love.
They have compassion and ideals.
They give moral support to their family and friends.
Women have vital things to say and everything to give.

So true... we women are so amazing. Everytime I look at my Mom I see a miracle. She just knows the right things, says the right things. She's just magic. And I wish everytime that I would someday be like her :) Love you Mom.

Friday, 3 February 2006

RM '06

*** Please note all opinions expressed herein are my own and I don't care what anyone else thinks about it. Some details are hazy and I don't remember quite a few things thanx to being high most of the time. If you do remember and have anything to add just go on and let me know or leave a comment :) Haven’t proof read it either so all corrections are welcome. ***

This was my first ride on the Bullet, on the highway that is. It had me nerves for quite sometime before the ride. Only my toes touched the ground and I was worried about handling the weight especially considering the luggage too. Then there was the question of spares to be carried and an over all check. Thinking back now the tension that week before the ride was high.
Got the seat lowered a couple of inches, over all check done, visor of helmet changed and spares picked up. All this done I started wondering if I forgot something. Kept questioning my decision to ride a bullet. Will I manage? Will I survive? Will I make a fool of myself? And a lot more questions had me all jittery and getting little sleep through the week.
Then came Friday, I was yet to pack and go to Sarovar too. And then to top it all Dosai was to meet me at office and his meeting too all the time in the world so instead of leaving office at 5:30, I finally left at 7:30.
Got home took the bike to tank up and check tyre pressure. Returned and went off to buy all required. Once back finished packing in about 1/2 an hour. By 9:30 I was in Sarovar. Met all the guys, sipped some beer from some bottles, met some of the guys from the north and left at 11:00 to get some sleep. The nerves were still there and the day had been bad as I was feeling nauseated and had not eaten much. Got home, had a cup of milk but didn't get much sleep.
Finally woke up at 5:30 to have a bath and was freezing. Went out to check the bike and weather and decided to wear a sweater. Got ready and sat down to change the visor and dishoom the current went. What timing. Changed the visor in candle light. Was tough. By then Rupal got home. Caught up with general gossip and home stuff. Headed out to start bike and warm it up. While I put on the saddlebags Rupal came to see me off with all the other stuff I was to take. So she went about giving me all the stuff one by one. First sweater, then jacket, gloves, balaclava, helmet and finally waist pouch. She then saw me off from home in one piece. She's a darling :) (For all men who now wanna meet Rupal - there's only one way, through me and there’s a price to pay :D)

Starting Odo - 05232

Day 1

Reached Raheja Arcade in Koramagala at 7:20 cursing the roads. I though I was late as the meet time was 7 but voila quite a few were late. Slowing people trickled in. Vicky was all ready there, soon Ashok and Sukku got there. Prashy, Dosai and gang arrived at 8:30ish (after getting lost and all).
We finally left at about 9:15. Took ages to get through Hosur road traffic, these guys bajaoed and Vicky (sweet fellow) tailed me through it all. Stopped at the HP petrol pump for breakfast and regrouped with all the guys.
Was enjoying the feel of the bike. On the Bull 80 felt like 60 on the Yam. I couldn't seem to raise about 80 as there was a distinct wobble in the back wheel after that.
We then regrouped at Krishnagiri and Dosai tailed me. Missed the turn on the Vaniyambadi road and Prashy caught up to redirect us. Until here the roads was 6 lane but now then got bad. With the bull was a little difficult to manage as it wasn't easy for me to maneuver the bike.
We stopped for lunch at Thiruvanamalai and then headed out again. Tindivanam was crazy with a small lane as a highway and people walking on like it’s their pop-in-laws road. Even dogs and animals respond to the horn better.
Finally reached Pondy at about 5:30 and stopped to figure out where to stay. The prices of some of the resorts seem high so while some of us had chai, some went to find a place to stay. By 7:30 or so we installed ourselves in Jai Aruna in the middle of Pondy city. Had bath and all and headed down to the bar. Had some beer and then went to eat dinner, had Kothu Parata (means Torn Parata)(which is mashed paratha with eggs and onions and all) which was good.
Headed back and slept but didn't sleep well. The mattress had bed bugs I think (mosquitoes added to the trouble) and I kept waking up, finally at 6:30 woke Sam and asked him to move in a bit, then slept till 8ish in peace.

Day 2

We left for Mahabs at about 10:30. Tanked up at Pondy as fuel was only some Rs.42. Next stop was Mid-Way on the ECR. No breakfast was available as it was past 12 so had coffee and headed to Mahabs for lunch at Moon Rakers. At Mid-Way the RM guys did some chamak video recording and all (not to forget Dosai trying quite a bit to pull a wheelie). The ECR was a good stretch to ride on. Straight roads with some nice curves. Ahhh touched 100kph at one point after which I chilled and cruised at 80. Last time I did this stretch was as Shamz pillion this time I rode and it felt good. Brought back some memories too :).
Had a great lunch at Moon Rakers. I had some beer, prawn curry, fried prawns and rice. Also went shopping for some banyans or such, didn't find much and had to settle for some cotton top and some spaghetti thingy. Hrrrummmp...
We then headed to Casurina Bay. Saw this Red Ferrari (Spider I think) on the way. The guy had done a 360 spin and managed to cause the back to go up in flames too. Touched my first Ferrari (so what if it wasn't whole :P).
Got to Casurina Bay and parked. First thing was to register so went ahead and did that. Then parked the bike and went to dump the luggage. The room allocated to me was locked so dumped stuff in another room, changed and headed out. Met Dipsy (he'd had an accident and was a bit bruised, he was riding Subash's bike) and Bala who was heading out to sea again the next day (ahh... to be sailing the high seas, to hear the gulls cry, reminds me of 'Sea Fever' by John Masefield). Did some catching up and went ahead to the beer stall.
Picked up a beer and went down to the beach where all the boys were sitting. Sashidhar (this guy who came with us from Bangalore but not sure who he was) had got his bike onto the beach and it had got stuck, not sure what he trouble was though. While sitting there we conned Max with an empty bottle and then went one step ahead and started fooling people with a beer bottle filled with salt water. We fooled quite a few people who took big gulps :P
Settled down to some drinking and dancing. The track pants I was wearing were getting to be a big pain so borrowed Dosai's shorts a little later and used the belt ;).
Danced most of the night away, when we finally headed to dinner outside the resort at about 11 and got back the music had stopped. Bala left once we got back and we headed to the room to see what everyone was up to considering hardly anyone was around. I would have got comfortable and gone to sleep but the guys kept waking me up. We decided to take a walk at about 2am and after walking talking and all that, we got back at 4am. Managed to convince Dosai that it wasn't a good idea to ride back, Ravi didn't need much convincing (he looked like he would go to sleep just about anywhere). At 4am didn't seem like a nice thing to wake up the couple (Rakesh and Nisha) I was to share the room with so just crashed off with the boys.

Day 3

Woke up at about 7ish to be greeted by mist outside the windows. Couldn't see beyond 10 feet. The thought of the sea with mist rolling over it came to mind. A beautiful picture painted in the mind and I contemplated walking down to gaze at it but sleep got the better of me and the thought of the cold outside didn't help. So went back to sleep, wish I had walked down :(
Finally woke up at 9 or so. Changed into my swimsuit since the sun was out and it was nice and warm. I intended lolling about in the pool for some time. Got out of the room and decided to have breakfast first, so headed out of the resort with Ravi on his RX135 (which sounded a wee bit funny without glass wool in the chamber but so what an RX is an RX and I was home again). Had Motte Dosa (Egg Dosa) and tea. Ahh filling it was and I started wondering if I had eaten too much considering I wanted to go for swim. But then well I can't say no to food. Met Burny who was just arriving and got to know that Bala had got out of the resort, parked his car and slept right there. That was good considering he was quite tun and in my opinion not in a state to drive. He had left the radio switched on though and woke up in the morning to find the battery drained and had to be rescued :).
Once back at the resort Ravi and I met the RD Boys, took a look at the mod bikes on display and then parted ways. I headed to the pool, there was just another person in there and so I got in and settled down to float around a bit. Met Burny and Kim here again and we chatted a bit. Soon Sandy and Sukku got into the pool, followed shortly by Anil and Sid and finally Rakesh. We noticed a loose light fitting in the pool with Risk of electrocution written on it. Had a good scare and a laugh. Took some snaps at the fountain with Rakesh giving some scandalous poses. Got back into the pool once we got chased off the fountain by the caretaker :D
I hung around a bit more and let loose my hair to enjoy the feel of it flowing free in the water, ahh the feeling of weightlessness.
Finally got out, discussed hair tips and tricks with Max and then headed back to take a bath. Took quite sometime washing out the dirt and chlorine. Dried my hair a bit and headed out to lunch with Dosai and Soup. Went to Kovalam nearby and had a Kushka. Was a mozi joint with typical mozi fare.
Got back and headed to the beach once I had picked up the beer coupons which seemed in short supply. Ravi left at about 5:30 or so, saw him off, wondered why Bala hadn't turned up (guess he was too busy with last minute stuff before leaving). Settled down by the sea with the rest of the RTMC boys. Well down to the sea for my usual ritual of getting my feet wet ;) got back to a futile attempt of the boys trying to make me drink salt water. I noticed the bottle wasn't cold and realized the trick but stupid me I didn't notice the lack of froth.
Took a walk with Rashi along the surf talking about anything and everything under the sun. We got back just in time for the customary RTMC photo. Super number of bottles were there. Wonder if anyone had actually counted how many. (Anil was saying about 75).
The boys started to play football in the beach and before we knew it people started getting thrown in. Rashi, Nisha and I sat collecting phones, wallets, camera and the like. Should have just left with the loot. Almost everyone got dipped. Just about when my turn came Ranga and Dodo created a diversion and I scooted off :D
When returning from the room encountered all the wet, dripping boys returning and got threatened about being thrown in at night (now they're nice boys, aren't they, they wouldn't do that to sweet me) :D
Anyway I went ahead and picked up another beer and returned to the room for something (can't remember what it was, maybe to use the loo??), sat there for sometime, took a tentative drag from a joint (no clue why I did this, I'll just blame the impulsive me), found it light and of course got a little light headed. Had some nonsensical conversation with Rashi, Ads and Grease and then headed back for the presentation.
The first presentation was by RoadShakers about a ride to Panjgani I think, followed by RoadSurvivors on Leh and Zanskar and then finally RTMC. (Ahhh... what a beauty). The tension would be felt when it started with the presentation saying all the things we don't... But then it all dissolved when the photos started rolling (not to forget the glimpse of Pamela Anderson) and of course the climax, whoa... that took the cake, eeeks... the beer I mean!!!
Presentations done, they announced that Karan won Varun's - Spirit Of Life Trophy for the youngest rider of the year (finally, if you ask me he should have got it last year but technically on paper he wasn't the youngest and so someone from Pune who rode only till Bombay got it) after which the prizes followed. Did I say prizes, oops... prize was all it was. There was supposed to be a prize for best technically modified bike and another for best cosmetically modified bike. But in the end only one was given (no idea why). Any way a bike from Chennai won. Nice bike (forget what it was called), blue and black flame tank, smooth rear, mono-suspension, duel seat but god help the pillion. On the whole a beauty.
Now this led to the owner of the bike from Gujarat getting very upset, and saying quite a bit on stage. He kept asking for justification regarding the decision and when the call for the judges was made, funnily no one turned up (though I saw two of them a few minutes later). Anyway Sachin pacified the guy for a few minutes by declaring it as a joint prize between both the bikes. Didn't last to long coz after a beer he was back on stage demanding for a reason. (Did I tell you all of this was accompanied by a lot of booing).
Hmmm... then me Punter Rani on the way to get another beer encountered the guy and Smart Alec that I am I spoke to him for a couple of minutes in Guju (there wasn't any other topic so just said politely how nice this bike was etc.). Alas how should I know that this would lead to him keeping a lookout for me (or so I felt) and trying to make conversation every time (I had to escape-maadi one too many times).
Got back to the dance floor however the rhythm didn't last long and got bored so got off and sat with Goldie talking. Then went in search of the other guys as they suddenly disappeared. Found all of them sitting near the dinner pavilion and I settled down there, except for some songs when I just had to get up and dance :)
Somewhere in between met Karan who wanted to speak to some babe, so off we went to find her, next thing I know Karan and the babe disappear and am standing there talking to some other guy who was with the babe being discussed.
At some point later started to feel hungry and had dinner. Dinner was sponsored by RE and there was Biryani. Finished dinner and just sat around talking. The DJ had stopped and by demand Anukaran started singing along with playing the guitar.
Ahhh I curled up on the sand, resting my head on Dosai's knees. The songs started and oh super they were but then at some point sleep got the better of me. (Well biker songs are lullaby’s for a biker :D, so it’s not all my fault). In between started to feel a bit of the chill, Dosai gave me Big Moe's jacket which I wrapped up about me and went to sleep again. Woke up at the end of the session and we headed back (must have been about 2:30am), was really tired. Dosai left for home I think, I only remember crashing on the bed and was gone to the land of nod in less then a minute, no idea what came after :).

(The guys later told me they had got to the room at about 3am and were waking up people and almost mistook me for Max, luckily for me they realized in time else I would have been nicely kicked awake, see now you know why I cut my hair :D)

Day 4

Woke up quite late in the morning. Must have been about 8:30 or so. Stretched a bit and all and then headed out to make sure the guys hadn't left. Found Prashy changing the shocks on Flyin Flea (have I told you, she looks neat, a cafe racer-the first one I've seen). Our loo was blocked so check if Prashy and Vodkas room was free. Rishab was just leaving and the room was free so headed in to get ready. All morning jobs done, I got dressed and packed. Was feeling kinda lazy so actually paid the Rs.75 and had breakfast at the resort, phah...
All done took the luggage off to the bike along with Easha, got Grease to help me pull out the bike from the sand we parked it in. Started her and left her to warm up before putting on the luggage. By this time we got to know Prashy's bike had a problem (others understood the problem, I didn't :))
We moved towards the gate and settled down. Or at least 'I' settled down to watch Prashy fix the Flyin Flea. I think he removed the points from Dodo's bike and put it on his as his boyer had blown (someone please correct me if am wrong). while this was happening I asked Easha for a Band-Aid (had cut my finger quite badly the night before), then went in search for water with Karan, rested in the shade a bit and also finally got the chain (bullets inner chain) I was looking for; for quite some time from Karan :) (thanx Karan).
Prashy, Adrian and all decided to stop from breakfast so Easha and I moved on towards the Sri Perambadur track as they would catch up soon. We thought we would meet Dodo soon as he was towing his bike back, but we didn't find him on the way. We soon reached Chennai and had a field day getting from one end to the other. Passed Le Meridien and it reminded me of the last time I was finding my way through Chennai with Musafir, also that the OTA wasn’t too far, how I wish...
We finally got out of the narrow road that leads to Sri Perambadur highway after getting stuck quite often behind buses and taking one 'U' turn back, and numerous lefts and rights.
Easha missed the turn to the track and I honked quite a bit but when he didn't respond I accelerated and told him. We slowed at some Mr. and Mrs. Hotel, actually should have had something there but anyway we turned back and Easha over shot the gate again (actually there is no gate, its some small thing next to a small temple; I had just stopped by instinct). So we came back and started in towards the track. Super off roading and we finally got to the track. Prashy, Adrian, Abhi and all soon got there too :).
This was when the fun started. Mr. Bose a veteran rider took them around for a lap. I was taking snaps on the straight. Easha told me they would be better on the curves and since it was far he said he would come back after a couple of laps and pick me up.
I climbed the tower in the mean time to take some snaps and get an idea of the track. While taking some snaps saw Easha come into the pits so hurried down and ran in to pick up my helmet.
Went with Easha to the third (I think) bend. Met Mr. Bose there and was talking to him while taking snaps. The bike he was riding had blown a valve and he was waiting. Mr. Bose was very impressed by Abhi's, Prashy's and Adrian's riding skills. He was about to say Imran was riding well to when Imran missed the curve and went of track.
Abhi stopped by a little later and offered to tow the bike, I sat pillion for a couple of meters then hopped off as it would have been easier without me to tow. Easha got there about that time and just then I also realized that i had left my helmet behind, so ran back to get it. Not bad I still have some stamina left (I guess am not old yet :) ).
Anyway got back to pits for lunch. After lunch I headed back to the curves, Easha was feeling a bit lazy I guess so we went around together looking for good corners and strategic positions for snaps. The other guys were now doing timings.
Saw some lovely birds and Easha gave valuable advice on where to take which snap from. (Some of those snaps have come out really well, I am impressed by the job I did :) ) We finally wound up at about 5 and headed back to pits after which I decided that since there was no one on the track I would do a couple of laps and get a feel. Did 3 laps and missed quite a few curves. Only good thing was the number of misses reduced with each lap. Prashy scared me out of my wits once by honking on the track just when I was at the entry of a curve and then zoomed off on the inner side. (Bad boy :P).
At about 6pm there was a prize distribution. The prizes were GP Helmets, Saddlebags and a Toolkit. Imran got first place, Abhi second and Adrian came third. After the distribution and speech by Mr. Bose who said he was very impressed by all the guys, especially on bullets and that no one had any accidents which he was pleased about, we started packing up. I wasn't very enthusiastic about riding at night. We check if there were rooms available at Hotel Paramount and there were none, so we decided to head to Kanchipuram for the night. Was only some 30km but was really scary. Phew... 3 near misses, one where while overtaking the lorry guy didn't slow and that was a close cut, another where suddenly I saw six headlights with no idea where they came from and I was still on the extreme left of the road. Went in-between two cars (stupid double overtaking on mud-under construction road). And then one other which wasn't as bad as the first two. Finally took that turn into Kanchipuram and my bike stopped at the railway bridge. Sam had adjusted the idling at the track and now she when off every time I cut throttle. I had ridden that 30km never cutting throttle completely but braking while holding half throttle. Anyway Abhi fixed the idling a bit and we moved ahead. Sam and Prashy went to look for a place to stay and the rest of us gorged on chaat.
Got to the SSK Inn and settled down. We ordered dinner and beer. I wasn't drinking, was really tired and really didn't feel like drinking. So we all sat talking (there was - Prashy, Sam, Adrian, Abhi, Easha, Nawaz, Satyajit and I) and generally discussing stuff. Headed of to sleep early, must have been 10:30-11ish.

Day 5

Woke up at about 6am when Prashy knocked to wake up Sam who was to leave with him. Prashy asked him to come down to the parking, he would be there. I slept off again. When I woke about an hour later Sam was still sleeping. Finally woke up at 8ish. Sam had already left, there was only Adrian, Easha, Nawaz and me, the others had already left.
We woke up, had coffee and breakfast and left at about 10:30-11am.
Headed out of Kanchipuram and hit the highway, the roads were good and we did decent speeds (at least a decent speed for me at 80kph). At Ranipet decided to take the NH4 so diverted and continued into Ranipet.
Adrian moved on faster from somewhere about here while we cruised on, stopped outside for a chai break, and then stopped again for lunch just outside Kolar at Woody's. I called the salon and made an appointment, I couldn't handle my entangled hair anymore. After lunch we split, Adrian zipped off and Easha and I continued our pace as we were headed in the same direction. A couple of km before Garden City college Easha's accelerator cable gave way, I realized a bit ahead there he wasn't following so waited a few minutes and headed back.
Watched him fix the cable (and went home and took a look at mine :) you know just in case next time I need to fix it), and we headed on, once near KR Puram Suspension Bridge, speed reduced and we started moving slowly, lucky there were no jams yet as we were a bit early.
Reached home at about 5:30pm and reached very a message from Easha about an hour later that he had got cable checked and reached home.
I had a quick bath as had to at least try to wash some dirt out of my hair before going to the salon. Sachin called to say he had reached Bangy, I had to meet him to pick up some papers. So headed out quickly to Teknik, spoke to Sachin for a couple of minutes. He apparently didn't know I owned a bullet and thought RE should hire the person for sales who managed to convinced me (the staunch believer that my RX100 could do all a bullet can, I have for a long time said I would buy a bullet the day my RX100 can't do something a bullet can). Hahaha... after-all, all I was asked was a bullet can breakdown, can your RX? :D The rest like they say is history.
Headed to the salon from there is a rush. Was late for the appointment. Got there, met Seth and got a haircut. Not very happy with the job done, nor the price charged.
There ended the RM ride :).

Closing odo - 06073

Total Km - 841

Acknowledgements: (as always)

My first ride on the highway with the bullet and am quite happy with myself and the bike. Not one fall or drop, I perfected the art of putting her on center stand with all the weight (Thanks Shamz), balanced her with the weight too. Had some difficulty maneuvering the bike thanx to the weight, some starting glitches but on the whole good. Missed only one turn on the highway which was a bit scary. The bike behaved well too. Good job Faakira, after all you need to measure up to Musafir :)

Thanx to Easha, Prashy, Vicky, Adrian and all who tailed me. That takes a lot of patience. Thanx a ton.

Special thanx to Dosai (for all those troubleshooting sessions ;) ), Sam and all those who helped me understand the techie stuff.

Thanx to my family for believing in me (a clichéd statement but very true), my bro for spending a day getting me all set for the ride when he had other stuff planned.

Thanx to all the guys and gals involved and otherwise for all they have done.

Tuesday, 31 January 2006


It’s so hard to explain. For centuries people have tried to know what lies on the other side and no one has a definite answer. It’s the one thing in life that is inevitable. There is no escape from it. It can be painful or just peaceful. But then again that is from the onlookers perspective no one knows what the dying person actually when through.

Death for me was never scary or a worry, at least not my death but when it came to family it hurt and it still does. When my Dad died I was shocked into realising that, that can happen, that is the truth. I was suddenly scared of losing my Mom, my brother and the rest of my family and friends. I distanced myself from them all in this attempt to cut myself off from the pain that would follow when I lost them. I knew they had to go at sometime or the other and this was the most sensible option I thought back then. Since they had to go they would but I wouldn't be affected. So stupid, so foolish.

Losing people after that made me realise there is no escape from the pain. You could block it off for sometime, train your mind to not think about it, keep so busy that there is no time for thought but all the pain will go nowhere. It just lurks and waits to emerge at the slightest chance. The news of someone else on similar lines brings it all back in a flood, un-checkable, unstoppable. The memories, the loneliness, the trauma, alls comes back in a flash.

I learnt that there is no escaping the pain, there is no pre-empting it either. All you can do I guess is spend time with those special people, tell them how much you love them, not leave anything to be said and done concerning them for tomorrow (tomorrow may never come), fill you heart and mind with memories. Coz after all in the end that is all you will have left, and at least they will be happy.

Monday, 30 January 2006


India is a country built on diversity. No country compares to its diversity, whether it is the terrain, people or culture. No matter which part of India you go to, you will find variety. The plains in the center; green forests, back waters, humid marshy swamps, rolling beaches in the south; green and desert mountains in the north; the desert in the west and the green undulating mountains in the east. This is variety found no where else. People differ across in looks and lifestyle. Culture is varied across the country. So diverse, so colourful, just so beautiful.

And yet all of this builds walls between people. Attitudes people have, the biases they have about each other and regions. Labels for people based on the few they have met. They hardly know everyone in that area but mindsets are all ready existent.

I haven't travelled across India but have travelled quite a bit, and my travels have thought me that people can't be labeled. Everyone is different; you will meet the sweetest people in the harshest climates. The most needy will not even think before sharing what they need the most. People who are supposed to be the most rugged will be as gentle as a lamb with you. People who are supposed to be rude and uncivilised will treat you with love and respect. People who are supposed to have attitude and treat outsiders badly will land up helping you out the most. Here there are no barriers, not of language, not caste, not region, nothing. You speak the language of humanity, the language of the heart.

People are not always who you think they are but what you make of them. Yes you will meet some who are not friendly, who will treat you badly and all of that but the majority will treat you well. People who will treat you like another human being before they look into your caste, language and region. Those who will just accept you for you. But then is it right to generalise about all people based on those few bad experiences. How can you forget the nice ones?

Tuesday, 17 January 2006

The Power Of My Way

A friend sent me the link to this video... Nice stuff... Has a background song and some really nice pictures... Am posting the lyrics here...
The link -

The Power of My Way
- Lyrics: Anita Pathik Law

Will I Have the Eyes...
To See the Good in Every Day?
To Have Faith and Believe...
In the Power of My Way?
Will I Have the Strengh...
to Love Without Condition?
To Fight Against...
All my Inhibitions?
Will I be Brave Enough To Support all of your Dreams?
To Know That What I See Ain't all That it Seems?
Will I be Present...
The Day My Dreams Come True?
Will I Even See the Miracles...
Like I See Them In You?
Will I be Open...
To Invite In the Change?
To See That It's My Beliefs
Need to be Re-Arranged?
Could I be Satisfied
To Live my Life Alone?
Or, Would I Pretend to Fall in Love?
The Truth Never Be Shown?
Can I Be Grateful....
For All that My Life Brings?
Could My Life Just Fall Apart...
And I Still Show Up and Sing?
Will I Hold My Faith...
And Stay in the Knowing
That Everything's a Blessing...
In Front of Me Unfolding
Will I Have the Eyes...
To See the Good in Every Day?
To Have Faith and Believe...
In the Power Of My Way
In the Power Of My Way
In the Power Of My Way

Tuesday, 10 January 2006

Starting 2006

All these years for New Years I've been home spending it with family and friends at home, this year a week before New Years when Sam called and asked what I was doing on New Years eve, I said nothing, coz I had no plans. Sam said some of the boys were headed to Tusker Valley and if I was interested to give Santosh a call.

Did just that and before I knew it, all plans were in place. Felt a bit guilty for not staying with family and when I first told Mom, I guess she didn't realize I was talking about being out for New Years. When she did, she was a bit surprised but as she always does, she understood and said go ahead have fun.

Then along came the 30th. I just had this odd feeling and didn't wanna ride so was going with Vodka in his Bolero. Rode down to Sam's place early morning at we were to leave at 7am. Hadn't slept much the night before, Pallavi was asking me to come along with her and gang to Athena but I stayed back as had to pack and wash my hair. Finally slept at 1am and was up at 5:30am. Ok some may say that’s quite a bit of sleep but then I need my 8 hours.

Reached Sam's place and then in walked Preethi and Vodka. We quickly packed in the bags and got Goofy comfy in the car. Goofy is Sam's Labrador (who’s a darling) who was coming too. Goofy quite different from most labs, compared to my Comet who isn't lazy but enjoys being petted, Goofy just can't sit in one place for more then a minute, he just an over-packed bundle of energy. I sat in front with Vodka and Preethi settled down with Goofy at the back. Off we went to The Club on Mysore Road to meet the rest of the boys.

Christy’s wife Tara and daughter Nahala joint us there. And we started off towards Mysore. Our first stop was for breakfast where I ate well since no dinner had left me feeling really hungry. We started out again towards Mysore and stopped just once for my coconut water. Mysore Road is in much better condition now though there are still some stretches under construction. Met up with Prashy and Sam in Mysore (Sam had missed the breakfast point and reached Mysore directly).

Our next stop was for lunch at Pugmarks, had Biryani which was very spicy and over cooked. Packed two rotis for Goofy and we set off again. Sam had had a fall a bit before Pugmarks, wasn't really hurt, his breaks had locked and well he fell. Mostly just scrapes and bruises and fine in sometime. Ah forgot, before that Goofy had had quite a scare, he saw Sam outside the window and put his head out but in all his excitement also put his paw on the button to raise the window and almost strangled himself.

In Bandipur at one point where the road was bad this sumo guy in front of us slowed down and so did we, must have been doing about 10-20km/h when he suddenly stopped in the middle of the road, there was no where to go and too late to stop, we hit the back of the sumo. Took both the cars to the side, the Bolero was making a wining noise. The sumo guy was talking away 19 to a dozen about how it was our fault and Vodka in Tamil was telling him it was his fault to just suddenly stop like that. Soon one after another all the boys stopped and I guess after about 4 bikes stopped the sumo guy got a bit nervous (his tank was leaking too) and took off after telling us he would file a complaint.

We settled down to see what we could do about the car while Christy and Lloyd left to bring Prashy back to help. The fan was jammed as front along with radiator had been pushed in. We open the front and loosed it, released the fan and after I guess about an hour we were done. All this had happened in elephant area and I guess it was an elephant crossing. Went I took a walk around saw some fresh dung. Some forest vehicles stopped to check on us too.

At the bridge in Bandipur a smart monkey climbed into the car and ran off with the rotis that we had kept on the dashboard. At the border checking was on for liquor but luckily for us consider we were carrying some a stray dog got very excited on seeing Goofy and kept barking and jumping at the car. The Police guy made futile attempts to get rid of him and finally just told us to move on with out a check. Should thank the dog.

A bit after that we met Prashy, Sandy, Adrian and Easha on their way back to help. Prashy took the wheel and well he's good and it was a super ride but a bit scary till I settle down to his style of driving. Tyres squealing at curves the first couple of times had me tightening my stomach. But in the end enjoyed it completely, especially once we got off the road on the Kalhati Ghats to get to the camp. With three streams and quite a few steep slopes with lots of rocks it was sexcellent!! Prashy got out once to help Arun with his bike and forgot the hand brake, while the car rolled a few inches before Prashy managed to brake and put on the hand brake, Vodka screamed. Super that was, as usual I was late at reacting. :)

Got to camp and met the rest of the boys and Parvathy. Had some coffee and soon wore the jacket but that didn't last long and I had to get the sweater out too. Popped a disprin to get rid of the slight headache I had. Soon the drinking started and the light faded. The sky looked awesome and we were on a hill opposite the road and it was quite a site to see the cars going on the road with the lights on.

I took a short walk down the slope to take some snaps of the night sky, didn't get a good shot but went back to just star gaze for sometime. Was so calm and peaceful, a bit scary when I heard the rustle and a few times I shone the torch around but settled down and was quite comfy for about 10-15 min, some guys going down to the valley checked if all was ok and I said yeah, it was, solitude is good sometimes :).

Went back and continued the drinking. Shuttling between the campfire where Parvathy had made base and the boys was good fun. Paro disappeared about 11 and I went searching for her. Checked the tents which were a mini trek and climb away and the quite a time getting down. Paro finally got back 15 min before midnight. She had gone to sleep...

A quart of Old Monk down and I was just high. Countdown was good fun (what I remember of it that is) and wished all around. The drinking continued after that as slowing people started heading of to bed. Finally at 3 just Vodka, Adrian, Grease, Dutta, Easha and I were left. We headed off to bed. I curled up in my sleeping bag with two blankets and slept all warm and cozy till 8am.

Woke up to brush my teeth and wash my face with freezing water. Freak it felt like my nose fell off!! Had breakfast and took some snaps. Spotted something brown with Sandy's binoculars, was most probably some log of wood. Sat in the sun then getting all burnt, (it was really hot) and kept turning to get uniformly baked. Prashy fixed Greases bike with some helping physically and others verbally. I gave my support by just being present :D.

After a lot of lazing around and discussion we finally left at 12 headed to Ooty for some chocolates. Some of the boys decided to stay back for another day (they finally stayed back for two days), Sam and Goofy stayed back too. All shopping done the boys started out with the intention of stopping at Pugmarks for lunch. We stayed back to have lunch in Ooty. Tasted the Wellington Special Paratha. Nothing special, just base of mice meat and a paratha coated with egg on top. Wanted to have a word with the chef to tell him how it should actually be made. The gugu should have used the egg as a medium to bind the paratha and the meat, and used less oil. Anyway we left from there to see the boys had stopped at Masinagudi for lunch.

We decided not to stop and go on to Pugmarks. Met Sarsh not too far away from Masinagudi, he had hit a huge pothole with brakes locked and broken the hub at the back. The bike was not in a state to move, had to be taken in a truck. What surprised me was that he hadn't fallen. That was quite something. All the boys followed soon and a Forest Patrol stopped soon too. He asked most of us to leave and he would help get a truck to take the bike.

We left to stop at Pugmarks where Sandy was waiting. Deepa joined us there. After an expensive coffee of Rs.22 we left again. Vodka was feeling ill (and he took a pill) and we called Deepa to see if she could drive once she and Sandy caught up with us.

We drove along till Maddur I think where we stopped for some coffee. Preethi and I went in search of a loo, only to find the common loo usually present outside the clustered houses seen in small towns. Quietly used it and got back.

Started out again dropped off Tara and Nahala at BEL Circle and reached Jayanagar at about 10:30pm. Picked up Musafir from Sam's place and headed back home, dropping Preethi off in Koramangala on the way. I had completely forgotten to fill 2T oil in the bike and at I just about got onto Inner Ring Road when she spluttered and stopped. I thought she had come in reserve. So took her to the side of the road and tried kicking but there was no compression, got worried and called Vodka, he said to wait there he would come but just about then the bike started to told him I would head off and if she stopped again would call. Crossed the signal and she stopped again, that was when I suddenly realized what was wrong. Now was worried about damaging the engine. As it seemed like she was heating up really fast. Had been wondering why she was offering so much resistance once we left Sam's place but then I had thought it was just the load on the bike and the cold.

Was worried about leaving her on the Inner Ring Road, after all RX100 are theft prone and I love my baby so just continued on pushing a bit and on slopes just rolling down. At some points she started so would rev a bit put off the engine and just roll. Got to 100 Ft. road this way, must have been about 5or so km. By then I was really tired so parked her out side my pan fellows shop and took and auto. Reached home at 12:30 and sweaty, everyone the next day was saying it was really cold, but that night I was feeling so hot I just went to sleep in a T-shirt.

Woke up early at 6 and went back to pick up Musafir armed with an oil bottle and screw driver. Filled her up and brought her back home. Took her a few days later to Babu and he said alls fine which Sam said too. That’s when I breathed a sigh of relief.

Got scolded nicely too for my stunt of pushing the bike that late but well at no point did I think how unsafe it was for me on Inner Right Road at that time, all thought was about how unsafe it was for Musafir at that time on Inner Ring Road.

Anyway all said and done it was one awesome New Year. My first away from home and one am gonna remember for a lifetime :)

Monday, 9 January 2006

Lakhpathi ya Bikhari...

Was talking to an aunt of my the other day. While talking about everything under the sun we got to volunteer work and she was telling me about some of the work she had done in college. She told me an interesting story and well its quite something so decided to put it up here.

Quite a few years ago almost 15-20 I guess this old guy suddenly appeared outside the synagogue near Mother Teresa Home in Bombay. He just sat in one place and didn't budge for anything. Surviving on what ever people gave him he just sat there day and night. Soon the place started stinking, people going to the synagogue would cover their noses as they walked passed but no one wanted to do anything for this guy.

Finally the people at the synagogue decided to enlist help and approached a girl who did social work in the area. She went and spoke to the people at the Mother Teresa Home. They said they would take him if some kind of contribution would be made to the Home. They didn't want money but clothes, food etc could be given. The girl went back to the synagogue and told them. They went ahead and made some contribution.

The guy was moved to the Home with a lot of resistance and setup there but soon there too the smell became over-powering. The Superior there decided that it would be best to at least give him a bath. The workers armed with masks and all took him in. But he refused to remove his jacket and clothes. Finally after a lot of struggle when they did remove his jacket they found 3 lakh odd rupees.

Questioning led to finding out that his kids had asked him to leave the house and at that point what ever money he could lay his hands on he took and left. Now that it was known that he belonged to a wealthy family the people at the Home were having second thoughts on keeping him there. After all they didn't know what to do with the money, the old guy didn't wanna part with it, and there was this fear of his family accusing the Home of taking him in for the money at a later point.

The Home refused to keep him there any longer and he was back on the road. He went straight back to the Synagogue, only this time they knew how much he was worth and gave him place to stay inside the gate of the Synagogue and take care of him.

What a difference money can make to how compassionate people feel!!

Friday, 6 January 2006

The Impact of Homosexual Siberian Cockroaches on Indian Economy - By Subroto

Some time back Paro had asked Subroto to write a piece for her friend on the topic ‘The Impact of Homosexual Siberian Cockroaches on Indian Economy'. He did and I was in splits after reading it. So here it is for all to enjoy...

Siberia, an incredibly cold place for anybody including cockroaches.

In this cold place, it so happened a couple of years back. On one unbearably cold day in winter, an elderly cockroach in his late 15s (days), (an unusually old age for a cockroach, they count their life in seconds and minutes and live in the moment pretty much zen-like, hence 15 days and a couple of minutes being incredibly old, but everything in Siberia is pretty incredible, like the weather and the Siberian tiger, which is incredibly huge for a tiger), having got fed up with the winter and its effect on the female cockroaches, revolted.

Every winter, the male cockroaches will do just one thing to keep themselves warm, run around the female cockroaches hoping to fertilize their eggs, but the extreme cold had made the females frigid. They didn’t care anymore about laying too many eggs or about the males. The last few years the males had spent their winters pretending that their male friends are females and run around them pretending to fertilize their eggs, but that was no fun. They missed the way the females fluttered their wings and threw garbage at them.

Oh those lovely furry dirty legs and those long smelly slender feelers.
Well, it was over now; the males had some self respect. The elderly one had proclaimed, and so it was ordained, the males will no longer run around females, they will run around themselves and die doing so, if nothing else.
A few had already fallen in love with their male friends, it wasn’t so difficult, they looked pretty similar to their female counterparts.

The pretense had taken over and become a reality now.
And so it began, the genesis of the homosexual cockroaches of Siberia.
In Siberia, as already mentioned incredible things happen. And so it did. Two gay cockroach couples happened to get on an apple cart in a plane and landed in India, which by any incredible standard of imagination was incredible.
Now, the Siberian cockroaches are really huge, something of the size of a cigar, incredible it may sound, but you know in Siberia…..
So these big Siberian guys came and bullied everyone and got them to believe in homosexuality and that it’s actually more fun pretending than the real act as fantasy is always more fun than reality.

Indians have always been suckers for faith and belief, what with their own virtues and values, women, children, houses and intelligence agencies pillaged and plundered since the Turk and Mughal days and then the British, the Indian cockroaches believed the Big Siberians and there gave rise to a different breed of Indian cockroaches.

Soon the cockroaches ran helter skelter trying to get themselves a gay date and tell each other sexist jokes. The females finding this behaviour weird, as always they do of males, just withered away and died of boredom.
The males suddenly experiencing new found excitement with no females to admonish them or chide them went berserk trying out new and crazy fantasy laden courtship and sexual innuendoes with their male counterparts. But the stupid tools( means ‘fools’ in cockroachian language) didn’t realize that no females means extinction.
And so it happened, the Indian cockroaches wiped itself out of existence, unlike us.
And then some strange things happened in India, much like in Siberia, referring to the strangeness and incredibleness of things, that is.

The Indians till then were actually unaware how much revenue they generated from Indians. It so happened that due to the predominantly dirty and filthy conditions that 85% of the Indian population lived in gave rise to the huge colonies of insects and bugs and hence an even bigger industry of herbal, allopathic and emphatic insect repellants.

The cockroaches contributing to 98% of the insect family in these areas and hence being the major source of this industry. The industry was so good that they never needed to export and were making huge profits to manufacture more which were being consumed more by the Indians themselves.

And owing to the fact that all cockroaches soon became resistant to the existing repellant, gave huge scope for R&D, Manufacturing, Sales and Marketing to go gung- ho to create new products, produce, advertise and sell. The cockroaches loved the new challenge of being more resistant, the Manufacturers loved producing more, the R&D loved brainstorming about newer versions of existing ones, the Sales people loved selling newer products, and the Indian consumers loved it that they were consistently getting better products and that their country cared for their hygiene.
It was a fantastically amazing self sustainable and profit making, never-ending cycle. Life had never been so cooperative to all at once.

But it all came crashing down the moment the cockroaches disappeared from every dirty and filthy nook and corner of India. No one knew where they went and why.
This story was told by the last remaining cockroach who had learnt some English having lived in the Rapid Language Learning Books section of an old and stinking library.

The teller of this story would like to remain anonymous, as all such unbelievable story tellers do.