Happy New Year Folks!
This post should’ve gone up yesterday but we woke up to a rainy morning that shouted out for cozying up and hot cocoa. The rest like they say is history. :D
I don’t do well with New Year resolutions. Every year i tell myself that there will be new rules, a list is made and most often these don’t even last a week. Then of course comes the guilt of letting go, not having enough will-power and all such things.
Then there is the guilt over time. Over the years there are just so many things I’ve wanted to do and just never got down to doing. So many resolutions broken. There is always something more important and these little things I want to do just slip through and get forgotten until one day the sheer weight of all that is not done bends me over.
This year I figured things would be different and done different too. This year is about ME.
About all I want to do, be, see, and gee, I hope that will take some things off the bucket list. This year instead of resolutions I am going to make a bucket list for the year - things I’d like to achieve before I get a year older. Nothing that has to be done, today or everyday but rather before 31st December 2015.
- Weigh between 53 and 55 kgs. [I so need to put on and keep some weight]
- Learn to whistle. [I'm embarrassed to admit that]
- Run a half marathon. [This one's been on the list a long time]
- Watch 100 movies. [Ooh! and those cheap masala films too]
- Swim for 45 min. at a stretch.
- Revamp my blog and find my blogging sweet spot.
- Read a 100 books. [And actually do it this time!]
- Get the kitchen garden up and running.
- Learn at least one new craft.
- Shave the head and don’t shave the legs. (or eyebrows) :D [The Hairy is Beautiful Campaign]
I’m hoping to achieve all of this by the end of 2015 in-spite of all of life’s googlies. Wish me luck. :D
Have you made resolutions for 2015? Do you manage to not break your resolutions? How? :D
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