Thursday, 19 March 2015

Book Review: One by Richard Bach

Title: One
Author: Richard Bach
Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Dell (October 2nd 1989)
Genre: Philosophy
Read: Paperback
Stars: ****/5
Buy On: Amazon | FlipKart


Summary: (Goodreads)

Under the spell of quantum physics, Bach and his wife Leslie are catapulted into an alternate world, one in which they exist simultaneously in many different incarnations. First they encounter themselves as they were 16 years ago on the day they first met. In this version of their lives, they do not marry, and never achieve the happiness Bach assures us that their real union has produced. Bach once again displays an inventive imagination and inspirational zeal that will have readers examining their own lives.

My Review:

Note: This review was first written way back in 2000, for a website that existed way back then. :D

Cover: I loved the cover. THe blue and the simpleness gets me every time.

Paper and font: Smell-worthy!

Readability, language: Easy on the eyes, Deep on the mind.

Why did I choose this book: After 'A Bridge Across Forever', this one just had to be read.

I gave my life to become the person I am right now.
Was it worth it?

‘One’ deals with the choices we make in life and where they take us. The choice we make today, the turn we take, the idea we implement or even the stranger we smile at will affect our lives years from now.

Written by Richard Bach, One is a journey of self-exploration. Some of Bach’s outstanding works include Jonathan Livingstone Seagull and A Bridge Across Forever. Bach’s writing is usually about himself and his experiences.

One is not an adventure story, thriller or suspense novel. It is a journey Bach and his wife Leslie make into their life, the past and the future. They go back to meet Atila and forward to meet a robot that’s trying to protect the earth. It is a trip down life’s twists and turns to see what would have happened if you had taken a different turn.

There will be a lot of times you will stop to contemplate and think for a lot of reasons. You may find a situation parallel with one in your life or maybe pleasantly surprised that someone can think so much like you. Essentially it is a journey into your self.

It is a thought provoking book and so obviously for the thinkers. It is not a book for light reading, read it only if you have the time, I suggest you take this one to bed.

About the Author:
A former USAF fighter pilot, Air Force captain and latter-day barnstorming pilot, Richard Bach is an avid aviator-author-philosopher. He enjoys the joys and freedom of flying and writing about it along with delving into deep philosophy and thought experiments. You can find out more about him at

Buy On: Amazon | FlipKart


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