The A to Z Challenge begins tomorrow and I’ve finally made up my mind on my theme for the challenge.
I’ve been using the Android platform for about 5 years now and over the years I’ve used and discarded many apps. Some have become permanent residents on my phone while others get uninstalled after use.
Since I started out with using an Android phone I’ve been meaning to review all the apps I use. I have reviewed a couple and even shared a must have list once but it’s time to make a more comprehensive list.
I have over 150 apps on my phone. Some came with the phone, quite a few are google apps and a fair number I’ve downloaded over time.
I’ve also changed / used at least 4 different Android phones (I currently use the Nexus 6) and in each move my app list has gotten tighter at first as I discarded unused apps and kept only the ones I really really needed. Then with time the app numbers expand as I start to experiment until the phone gets full and can’t take any more. :D
I figured the A to Z Challenge over 26 days would be a good way to list and share all the apps I love. Yeah, yeah I know, I may not find apps that begin with the letter I need but I’ll find a work around. :P
More than finding one app per letter, I’m sure on some days I’ll have an over load of apps. Like ’S’ for example. I can think of three apps just like that, that I love and that start with the letter ’S’.
But it doesn't end there considering that I own an iPad too. There are some apps and games that I'm hooked to on the iPad. Not as many as on Android but still. So, I'm going to cover a few iOS apps too. (Most of them are also available on Android anyway.)
Android April’s going to be fun. Watch out for my Android A to Z App recommendations and tell me if you love the app too. Also do let me know which apps you love and can’t live without. :)
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