Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love,
Make our pleasant earth below
Like the heaven above.
- "Little Things" (1845) Julia Carney
The dogs keep me on my toes constantly trying to stay one step ahead of them. It’s an extremely rare day when I have not had a hair pulling out moment.
Something is one of them covering another, other times it’s someone being jumped at, or it’s them being cheeky and doing something that they shouldn’t, like chewing up my jacket zippers. Oh the list is long...
But there are those days when I’m feeling off, I’m not well, not fully up to the mark. On those days it’s amazing to see the pack behave. They toe the line, don’t give me any trouble and seem to go out of their way to make my life easy.
Of the pack, Senti has exceptional behaviour. When he isn’t well or I’m not well, he starts to follow me everywhere right at my heels. We become a team of Mary and her Little Lamb.
Sometimes I’m so engrossed in what I’m doing, I don’t even realise I’m ill or falling ill until I suddenly notice Senti sticking to my heels. Like today, we decided to sort the store room out and the dust and mould got me all clogged up in the throat.
I was almost breathless and breathing raggedly but so focussed on getting things done that I just kept doggedly on, pushing to get the room done. It wasn’t until I suddenly noticed Senti stuck there at my heels that I noticed just how bad my breathing was.
I don’t know why he does it, or why my pack behaves the way they do when I’m sick but it moves me. It’s a kindness they show that is heart-warming and just wonderful. It makes me want to give them tight hugs and kisses.
Well at least until the next time they tick me off. :D
You said it Michele. :) Thanks for stopping by. Sorry for the late reply, I missed your comment earlier. :)