I'm unique... just like everyone else.
- Unknown
The desire to be unique drove me for a large part of my life and it still does. Looking back a lot of things I did were rebellion but they also were fuelled by the need to stand out, to be different.
It took years of upstream swimming to realise that I didn’t need to struggle, I was unique naturally. I didn’t need to go with the flow, but I didn’t need to fight it either.
With 6 dogs in my pack I get to see a lot of variety, a range of personalities, each one so different from the other. From their barks, to snores, they are so different, I can usually tell one from the other even with out looking at them.
Each one of them has their own quirks, their very own favourites - from food to poop spots, individual temperaments, characteristic styles of walking and running,… the list goes on. I could tell each one apart in everything little thing about them.
Not one of them tries to be like the other. They are unique and they to be very happy and content with who they are.
That’s the moral for me here - to be comfortable in your own skin, don't try to be someone else, be who ever you are, for you are unique!
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