Masti is a Persian word that found it’s way into Urdu and Hindi over time. At a simple level this word means fun but it holds a different meaning for each generation and language.
Older generations consider the word to indicate things that are taboo or involving alcohol. Current generations though see it as a all encompassing word for fun.
That said Masti does change it’s meaning based on usage. It could mean being drunk, sensual fun, mischief or simple enjoyment.
Elu and Gubbi play like there is no tomorrow!
Here though with the dogs I see masti as mischief and fun. The joy they show in running about, chasing each other, chasing birds and squirrels, making mischief, sometimes destroying stuff in the process and sometimes creating.
Everything they do involves masti. I think even in their sleep they are having masti. :D It’s different forms and levels of masti for each dog but bottom line is, it’s masti.
It’s a mast life full of masti!
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