Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Video Wednesday: Becoming a Youtuber

Youtube is turning out to be quite a medium for video consumption and I’m slowly getting sucked in. I’m not much of a Youtuber but I’m trying to experience it and see if I like it.

One of the key criteria for this is enjoyment. Apart from the movies I watch online, my other Youtube consumption also has to be fun. That means I need to follow the right channels so I get the right goods.

In an attempt to curate and cull my subscription list I have been going through the videos the channels I subscribe to post. This process is going to take a while but the upside is that off and on I come across a well done video or short film.

Here’s two short films I came across and enjoyed. One’s the sweet cute love story types, the classic story most of our Bollywood movies are build on. The other is a thriller of which I didn’t see the end coming.



The Most Beautiful Thing



A Missing Housewife



I’m on a search to find good Youtube channels for short films. Have recommendations? Please, let me know in comments.

P.S. – Day Nine of the 30 Day Blogging Challenge.


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