![Player FM Android](https://41.media.tumblr.com/2c234282396745eb0cc5132b68dc09c6/tumblr_o5tz0czwlp1s9f1ffo8_r1_400.png)
I started this series with Audible: An Audio Book App and a lot of what I said for audio books applies here too. There are just so many things I do in a day that require my hands and only half my mind, these are the times that are perfect for multitasking.
When I’m walking the dogs, doing chores around the house, packing food boxes for the dogs, gardening, or crafting, I have time on hand to listen and that’s where podcasts come in. Podcasts are a wonderful way to follow people, listen to their opinions, learn something new or just pass the time.
This year I want to explore the world of books beyond the printed page and podcasts are turning out to be a great way to do that. I started out with listening to one bookish podcast and now I’m subscribed to nine!
What the Player FM App’s supposed to do
It’s a simple app that allows you to find the podcasts you want to listen to and subscribe to them. Downloaded podcasts can be seen as a list or as cards and can be listened to offline.
You can set limits on how many podcasts are downloaded and stored at any point in time so you aren’t hoarding or wasting space. You can also explore based on categories, trending and popular to find new podcasts to listen to.
While listening, player buttons are accessible easily on screen and in the notifications section. You can even pause, stop and play on the locked screen. There is also an option to rewind or forward in 30 second increments, which makes it it so much easier.
How I’m using the Player FM App
I use the app to keep up with my podcast subscriptions, find out what each one is about and listen to them. I find the controls easy to use and having them right on my lock screen makes it easy to pause and restart.
My thoughts on the Player FM App
In my search for podcasts, I've also tried out a couple of podcast players and found that Player FM is the perfect podcast player for me. This simple straight-forward app, doesn’t claim to do too much, but does all its supposed to.
It has a clean layout and is easy to use. Perfect for my podcasting needs. Do you listen to podcasts? which is your favourite player?
App details and link
![Player FM Android](https://40.media.tumblr.com/729239dfb69d2b61550f7441a8678d85/tumblr_o5tz0czwlp1s9f1ffo7_r1_1280.png)
Stars - ★★★★★
Developer - Player FM Podcasts
Devices - Android
Installs - 1,000,000 - 5,000,000
Link - Android Store
Found you via A-Z I like your thorough review of apps. Mine are rather shorter something along the lines of did you know this app existed.
ReplyDeleteCarmel Galvin from
Library Currants
[…] and didn’t miss a post. This week my android app selections were – Gardroid for Gardening, Player FM for Podcasts, Quiz Up for Productive Time-Pass, Strava for Running, Period Tracker – My Calendar and […]
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by Carmel. It's wonderful to have found someone else doing the same theme. I'm going to stop by and check out all the apps you recommend. It'll be such fun to compare notes. :)